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"I hate this killing game" Fanny spoke
"I don't think any of us are enjoying it" clock rolled his eyes
"I wonder what's going on the outside world"tree spoke
"Holy shit I forgot you existed" 8ball spoke
"Don't pretend to be relevant either ball or whatever your damn name is" blackhole spoke
"Hey Golfball listen to this song I hate it but I think you will like it" Fanny gives Golfball her earphones so she could't here the shit around them (crack ship somewhat ig)
"Thanks"Golfball takes the earphones and listen to it while the others fight
Cake has a mini panic attack from all the noise
"You okay cake?
"Y-yeah It's just loud"cake stutters
"We can go somewhere quite let's go"cake said grabbing cake hand
"Thank you loser"cake smiled
"No problem"
"Can you all shut up, I hate loud noise"Fanny screamed
"You literally just yelled"blocky rolled his eyes
"Well you would't have listened if I didn't"Fanny spoke
"Before we start another fight, is everyone here?" Tennisball asked
"Hm let me count 1,2,3..."blackhole counted
"Hm seems like we have three people missing"
Blackhole spoke
"I think how much people are alive?" Blackhole asked
"I think 17"tree spoke
"Yeah it's 17 unless we are counting the grass dude" gelatin spoke
"Well, the three people missing are donut, barfbag and the stapy dude" tree informed
"Well I'm gonna look for donut"gelatin stood up
"Idiot, we know what happened last time we split into groups"taco rolled her eyes
"Does it matter if we stay in a group? It happened once"gelatin responded
"Sup guys" barfbag spoke
"Oh hi barfbag"taco responded

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