Chapter 1: The truth

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(This is somewhere in the Sixth year btw)

There was Harry lost in the world of dreams Then suddenly Voldemort appeared out of nowhere and cast a killing curse on Cedric Diggory. Then the scene changed and then came the death of Sirius Black by none other than Draco's and Sirius's relative Bellatrix Lestrange A year and 2 may have passed but he still can't get over it. But he still can't forget about those incidents.

Then again he came back to the world of living only to hear Molly yelling.

"Harry Potter! Ronald Weasley! Hermione Granger, wake up" Shouts were heard across the rooms. Everyone woke up with a start as they were waking up in the middle of the night by Molly Weasley's loud yelling. Some of them wondered what actually happened while others just lay in their bed undisturbed by the noise caused by their Molly Weasley. She woke many people sleeping but Ron just kept sleeping in his place until... "Ronald Weasley wakes up your arse out of bed!!" He heard his mom's voice and started saying sorry to only realize that he had done nothing wrong and had to wake up for a meeting in the order of the phoenix.

"Shut up Harry it's not funny" Ron scowled

Ron also woke up with a great or rather not great start as the entire room burst out laughing! Remus Lupin, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore wanted to talk to them half an hour later. All of them were wondered why? But most importantly why did they need the Weasley twins and the golden trio? With thousands of questions racing in their mind why they had been woke up in the middle of the night, they finished dressing up and raced downstairs to see Dumbledore, Remus, and Professor McGonagall already waiting there. Harry proceeded to ask what happened and before he could Dumbledore blurted out that all of them were needed to go with and Remus to their first meeting with the inner circle of the order of Phoenix.

All of them nodded their heads and went with them. After they arrived there they patiently waited outside for a while and went inside the meeting when they were called, honestly they were not expected that they would be called but without questioning they went in. There they saw Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, and other members of the order of the phoenix.

Albus began the meeting "My friends and family" He said while glancing at Aberforth and Molly who were just casually sitting in their usual places but Aberforth looked a little angry. "I would like to say that our "feared" Dark lord has returned and is tightening his grip on Hogwarts as well as ministry, so all my friends we should be worried about our children's safety and Hogwarts students so as the head of the Order of Phoenix I would ask each of you to contribute except Miss Granger and the Weasley Family.

All of them nodded in agreement.

As we know now there are only a few light wizarding families left because of the battle of good and evil" He said while eyeing Harry " So as we now know about the dark wizarding families, We will have one of us to spy on them. We have Snape but if he gets caught we will need a backup agent just in case, anyone has objection?"

All of them replied "No" but deep down, they knew if Snape ever got caught he will not be spared by the dark lord.

Dumbledore started discussing more plans and stuff

Finally, Albus proceeded to say that this meeting ends now.

The golden trio was just heading back at Hogwarts, but Remus stopped them and asked them to wait for a while and proceed to the manor, but they needed to head to their own vault of Gringotts.

When they reached Gringotts

"Hello, Griphook we are here to attend our vaults. Please take us there." said in his casual voice.

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