Chapter 2 Heirships, Compulsions and a clock

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Ron goes into the room and after a while, He returns. He said that they gave him some sort of potion that made the pain a little less but removing compulsions sure did feel like a thousand cruciatus curses.

It was now Harry's turn. He went into a room expecting no pain, But, Griphook said that they were out of the potion they gave to Hermione and Ron. Harry wondered "Pain might not be much if Ron and Hermione said about only a little amount of pain but he still went on.

He had to sit on a rock.




He felt the pain of a cruciatus curse. Not one but the pain is twice no, a hundred times more than the pain he felt at the end of the Triwizard tournament when Voldemort touched his scar. He stayed awake for a minute or two then he passed out.




He woke up to only Griphook staring at him creepily.

"Ah Mr. Potter you are awake I see. You should consider yourself a bit lucky as not many people are awake and even less can move at this time."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked in an obvious tone of confusion.



"Harry you finally woke it's been a whole day mate"

"What happened Ron? Can you fill me in please?"

"Well you see Harry, you passed out for a whole day because they did not have the potion to reduce the pain of the compulsion removing ritual that the Goblins usually use to remove the compulsions but, as, they were set by an immensely powerful wizard, they caused too much pain and later told us that with the potion, It was like a quarter of a cruciatus curse but without the potion, it was like a thousand cruciatus curses by worst death eaters like Bellatrix Lestrange so I guess you went through them but you had more pain than usual as you also had blocked to your original magic core and familiar but as it was not mentioned in the parchment paper we never knew about. Mine was blocked about 5 percent, Hermione's was like 1 percent and yours was like 75 percent! Like Blimey hell how were you even using that Phoenix feather and what was the wood of your wand? Yes right, Holly wood. How did you even perform spells with that huh? Leave that, Harry my best mate in the whole wide world are you alright?" Said Ron while catching his breath a little after speaking too much.

Well, one Ron you should probably calm down first and Harry You alright" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Yeah I am good and Ron even I don't know how did I perform magic without a wand." He paused a bit and mumbled to himself "When did Ron get so smart"

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean!?" Ron asked as a pout appeared on his face.

"I was just kidding Ron forgive me my best friend," Harry said making a cute 'forgive me' face.

"So if I may take your attention Heir Potter-Black," The Goblin said to the trio who were just sitting on the sofa which was in the Goblin Mugark.

"Heir Potter-Black?" Harry asked.

"Yes did you not know Heir Potter-Black?" Mugark asked.

"No. But please address me as Mr. Potter and not as Heir Potter-Black" Harry said nonchalantly.

"Ok, Mr. Potter but can you please check and claim your Lordships and Heirships please," Mugark said while signing a document.

"Heirships and Lordships? Why would I have them? And, more importantly, what would happen if I didn't claim them?" Harry asked worriedly.

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