I was at my school, Kilo, and this was a dream. I was just in first period, some girl told me about being bullied and something about a bear. I had to go through three more of my classes before lunch starts. By that time, I began looking around the school for this bully/bear. I went into The Commons which was apparently the Cafeteria, because people were eating there. I sat down in one of the seats and stared out the window, then turning away from the window and looked at the floor. A couple seconds later, I jerked my head back to the window to see a tall person with a bear mask, having mini chainsaws for hands. I fall back and roll away to evade the chainsaw. I look up at it as it drops to the ground, I step towards it and it begins to chuck it's left chainsaw hand towards me, I use one of my arms to go against it's left arm to move the chainsaw away from me to the side. I go around the masked person and jump onto it's back, it took seconds of struggle before I finally pull the head back and make the body land onto the ground hard on it's frontside without landing myself onto the ground with it. I get up, putting my left foot over the person's back, I look to the rest of the people in the Cafeteria/Commons place, asking 'why is it that people continue to try to fight me?', but then, a second after that, I gave a speech on how bullying shouldn't happen. It was a really good speech and I forgot about it! It had strong words and stuff in it! I guess it's the things we try to remember that is forgotten. Anyway, back to the dream. Once I had finished my speech, the guys near me stood up to hug me, people began to stand up in the far distance. I looked behind me to see that the bear masked person was a friend of mine! It was weird, even the chainsaw hands were gone. But very soon, everyone was standing up. The rest of that dream is all but a forgotten blur. But I do remember one part after that incident. People were talking about how I beat up either a bear and/or the biggest of the bullies. They all kept their distance from me. After that, I heard nothing of bullying anymore. Like as if they've all feared for their lives, afraid to get a beatdown from me. Looked like I showed them that I am the real big man of the school.
I had just figured out why I had this dream, maybe.
It took place at Kilo in Washington, in which, I'm currently here in Georgia, across the country from there.
And it had something to do about bullying, a girl was the victim, a guy was the bully, I gave a powerful speech, etc.
I believe that this revolves around my goals for that school year. My goals for that year was that I would help people and end bullying there, make the lives of my friend better by helping them with their problems. So I'm guessing that the dream was what I planned to do that time starting from the beginning of the school year. That's all folks!
Diary of Dreams
Não FicçãoThis shall be where I post whatever I can about my dreams overnight. Whether it be english or some other language.