ship ; chan + minho
t/w ; chan is thirsty, not too heavy sexual stuff.. yea. :0//
"he is too soft theres no way he topped" jisung said, almost the whole cafeteria had their eye on jisung and chan's conversation right now.
chan regret talking, in general. being the "prom king, most handsome and a very athletic male students", as jisung love to call him, for three year straight and gaining some fangirls, did not help his situation at all.
his father is literally a body builder and his mother is an top tier female's military coach. how did these students expect him to be thin
its not like he hated it, in fact exercising is like his hobby now.
chan just eat his food nonchalantly, ignoring his friends, pretending he was alone on that table and does not know anyone as embarrassing named han jisung.
chan looked at his friend and then to the other two friend who's busy making out, cringe for a second before getting up to throw away his tray and walk out from cafeteria.
leaving the confused jisung to either join or third wheel the couple.
lots of the male and female students were squalling, screaming even as they drooling over those packs chan carry around.
chan almost smirk, these students were just boosting his ego
its true, there's no way the bowl cut, teacher's pet, cute, bookworm, nerd, pastel sweaters, loose pants, very attractive, round glasses, top student lee minho can top, haha, anyone not even him at least.
from his appearance, it was almost impossible chan said to himself. quiet funny coming from him out of all people.
chan was literally just barbering bullshit. he knows nothing about this minho guy. he told jisung that so he would believe that chan is indeed a bottom.
jisung did not believe him a single bit and was convinced that chan doing so because he feels bad and doesn't want jisung to a bottom alone
which is weird to think about—
being a school athlete, veiny arms, having those dark toned abs, big biceps, thick tights and sexy backs, sweaty 25/7 and look like you could break someone skull open just by sneezing apparently you'll be labelled as a top or dominant.
he told jisung that lee minho sleep with him and top him at the party last night. thats why he disappeared.
he lied to jisung.
"and i found minho. he bring me home blabla you know the drill."
"i thought you're vir—" chan cough aggressively cutting hyunjin off.
he even lied to himself.
he grows up as a gay and a sub/bottom. never in his life he would imagine on top of someone.
which explain why he is single and a virgin.
he is walking down the quiet hallway, since everyone was still eating in the cafeteria its a little too quiet, worry him a bit. there's few student here and there but it was still very quiet
he then walk toward the place no one know he would always go.
he entered the empty classroom on the empty block, that was too far from everything that the college decided to not close it nor use it anymore. its the place where no one was supposed to be at or have too much energy to walk at.

skz one-shot
Randomone-shot for stray kids !! , bxb only :0 in here where i put all my ... unused.. ideas. yeas. no nsfw tho ,, at least not the heavy one :D enjoy ??? :]