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Why is perfect a word? More specifically, a word to describe humans?
Everyone has their own opinions, so the view of what is "perfect," varies from person to person.
Perfect can be seen as smart, and humble.
While another perfect can be funny and courageous.
I bet you can see where this is going.
I'm taking you to high school.
Now, when I was in middle school, all the teachers told us was, "Once you get to high school, people mature. There's no more harsh treatment like there is in middle school."
They could not be more wrong.
In high school, people are just more experienced and they know how to get away with cruel treatment.
Now, back to perfect.
In high school, their was this group who everyone knew as "The Perfs." This was because of their perfect grades, hair, smile, clothes, personality, and perfect rich parents who would buy them anything.
And I was in the group labeled, "The Outcasts."
Now, every school has this group. The group of people who couldn't be categorized. Too pretty for the ugly people and too ugly for, "The Perfs."
Or just too ugly in general.
However, sometimes it takes the right person to break the stereotypes.
Let me elaborate.

Here's how it all began:

"Mae Steins."
"Mae Steins."
No reply.
"Okay, I guess she's abse-"
The door explodes open. A loud BANG echoes through the class room.
"I'm here Mr. Markson!"
I hear snickers and whispers. One girl points at me. A loud laugh escapes her mouth.
"Settle down class." Mr. Markson says in his ever so monotone voice. "Miss Stein please take a seat."
But seriously, how much would it cost to buy a personality?
I scan the room for empty seats, and I find myself disappointed as a result.
I plop down next to Elise.
Elise Goldenberg, only one word can describe her.
With a perfect boyfriend to match.
Geoff Lustin, Elise's rich boy, stuck up, stick-up-his-butt boyfriend.
He sits in front of us.
As I sit down, Elise finds it necessary to point out everything I'm doing wrong; for my appearance anyways.
She judges, "Mae, honey, you do not wear pajamas to school. You also do not arrive without makeup. And the worst thing you can do is to wear athletic sneakers. Especially neon ones."
I reply, "Oh thanks Elise! I'm sure to make sure I follow those helpful tips next time."
Geoff joins in, "Great job honey, helping out the less fortunate."
My jaw would have dropped, but I'm used to their rude and idiotic comments.
How stereotypical.
You know, sometimes I think I'm set as an outcast is because I don't like stereotypes, and refuse to fit one.
I will not be seem as, "The White Girl."
"The Athlete."
"The Brainiac."
"The Skater."
And above all else, "The Perf."
Mr. Markson finishes taking attendance and stands in front of the class.
He speaks, "Today, class, we have a new student joining us. He should be here any minute."
He stares at the door, waiting for it to open.
Nothing else.
Just staring.
Soon enough, the door opens and in walks a boy.
Black hair that falls over his ears. Strong jaw that connects to a pointed chin. Bright blue eyes, a color blue that makes the sky seem dull. To finish it off, a muscular body and a keen fashion sense.
I label him right there. "Perf."
"Everyone, say hello to Eli Lawrence."
The class waves, with some small "hello"s thrown in there.
Some girls ooo and aw at him and his good-looks.
I have had enough.
I avoid interaction with him, Elise, and Geoff.
Time passes and the bell rings.
It couldn't have came sooner.
I quickly dart out the door.

Lunch comes and I find myself sitting at the end of the "Band Geeks," table. I am completely alone.
I am in this state for a while until I hear the thud of a lunch tray hitting the table.
I was fine in my little isolated bubble, why did someone have to come and pop it?
Of course. The new kid who doesn't know how this school works.
"Hey Eli, I think the table you want to sit at is over their."
A nod my head toward the table with Elise and Geoff.
That's all he says.
I give him a questioning look, a raised eyebrow.
He takes this as a sign and continues, "I much rather sit with you. You seem more entertaining than them."
I accept this, he might be totally wrong, but I accept it.
"How's your first day so far?" I ask, trying to make conversation.
"Do you like it here?"
"Better than your old school?"
What's with the one word answers?
"Can you elaborate?"
And he does, "I like it here, it's already better than my last school. However, it hasn't passed the test."
I'm intrigued, "What test?"
He replies, "A pop quiz, and I can't tell you, that would be cheating."
"So what?" I say, "I cheat on tests."
I get him to chuckle out of that.
"You'll see."
After that, no other word is said. We finish our lunch in silence.

The day passes, boring as ever. Same stupid faces and same stupid classes and same stupid everything.
The only person I want to interact with right now is Eli. He's different and new; he hasn't been infected by this school yet.
The final bell rings.
I beeline for the exit and see Eli wandering about outside. He stares at the ground as he mills around. He suddenly snaps his attention to me, bright blue eyes.
He goes back to focusing on the ground.
"Hey! Move it!" A voice says behind me.
"Sorry," I've been blocking the door way.
I start to walk towards Eli, wanting to converse with him some more.
But someone beats me to it.
"Oh Eli! I hope you had a great first day!" She's way to perky. "Tomorrow you should totally sit with me and my friends during lunch tomorrow!"
He shrugs, "Nah. I already have a lunch buddy."
He glances over to me, Elise follows.
I hear her breath shorten when she realizes he's talking about me.
"Ok. But when she bores you, my offer still stands. You can sit with me anytime you like!"
With that she chasés away. Guess walking or skipping is to boring for her.
Eli stands there, dumbfounded. He looks at me for an answer.
"Did that just happen?" he asks.
"What? 'The Perf' asking you to sit with them? Yeah." I giggle over dramatically. "They want you."
Eli looks hurt. He throws his hands up in defeat. "No," he moans. "You're failing the test."
I hope the 'you' wasn't actually directed to me.
"Well, that's why I need to cheat, otherwise I fail." I get him to laugh.
He smiles, "Sorry, not telling." He lifts his hand to his mouth, then pretends to zipper his mouth shut.
I frown at him. "You can be frustrating."
He shrugs.

I wake up.
But it's a different wake up.
Not a wake up filled with regret and desperation.
A wake up filled with hope and excitement.
Thanks to him.

Everyday after that I've been sitting with him, chatting with him, getting to know him.
It's perfect.

I wake up today; again, full of wishfulness.
And again, all thanks to Eli.

It's lunch time, and I find to chairs at the end of "The Hippies," table. However, I never hear the thud of his lunch tray hitting the table. In fact, I hear his laughter coming from "The Perfs," table.
I guess I was beginning to bore him.

"Mae darling!"
Great. Elise.
I snap at her, "What?"
She giggles, "Oh. Nothing. It's just that you looked lonely during lunch. Sitting there all alone."
She smirks. And her smirk is one of those smirks you see cartoon characters do. Never thought I would see one like that in real life. But lo and behold, here's living proof.

I wake up, but the sunshine and rainbows are gone. The dread and hopelessness took over. Eli can go play with Elise and her barbie doll friends, I don't care.
Eli can do whatever he want.
I don't care.
I roll out out of bed. I don't bother doing anything for my appearance, I don't care. I head off to school.

I arrive to see Eli standing on a cafeteria table.
"Everyone!" He announces. "I must say something."
He has everyone's attention.
"I have tested you guys. And you've all failed."
I let out a loud hardy "ha!"
I have no idea why, but all of this appears as a joke to me.
"You guys are too involved with reputation and how others see you," He continues. "All of you failed!"
I find approaching the table. And soon enough, I'm standing on it.
Everyone is surprised with my actions, even myself.
Eli stares at me, a goofy look on his face.
"Hey! Everyone!" I begin. "Ever heard of the phrase 'you are what you eat'? Well. You also are what you are."
Commotion rises through the lunchroom.
"Yo!" Eli shouts. "Lady's talking here. Don't be so impolite."
I nod at him, thanking him.
"You cannot change who you are. I'm Mae Steins." I motion to Eli, "He's Eli Lawrence." I start pointing out individuals in the audience. "Lucas Nolan. Maggie Kline. Sean Thomason.
Frankie Phillips.
"You are who you are. All of you. No matter if you're weird, sophisticated, mature, childish; that's you."
The lunch room erupts into a loud applause. Even Elise is clapping.
Guess "The Perfs," aren't as bad as I thought them out to be.
Suddenly a feel arms wrap around me.
He squeezes me and whispers, "You passed."

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