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hiii kiddos this is a Draco one-shot finally,  I don't know what to say about this one but enjoy(a bit of spic ;)



here I am in snape's potion class, I don't take potions as something that I adore but rather like a subject I need to learn for the exams, I am good at it but I never preferred it over anything well-except herbology.

my partner is Malfoy, the blonde ferret ;) but even though I am a Slytherin I never saw him as a star even harry, but I am 100% sure that he is misunderstood, you are probably confused so let me break it, I love Malfoy but I just never gave it a thought to ask him as he flirts with pansy and even though I never talk to her I just hate the fact that Draco never did anything to stop pansy from gluing on him but he keeps looking me in the eyes as he flirts back with her.

so I did distance my self from him this year and I have tried talking with professor Snape to change my partner but lucky me he didn't approve so I have to talk with Malfoy in potions even though it's not like last year full of laughter and happiness of two friends but it's full of a friend leaving for the best-if y/n only knew she was wrong-just to give her friend happiness.

*earth to y/n *Draco's hand waved in front of my face*aah-sorry just thinking anyways let's finish this potion I have things to do*I said in my fake bored voice*y/n are you ok you have changed*he asks full of concern*not now Malfoy*it hurts calling him by his last name, the look in his eyes as he hears me*ok-sorry*soon we finished, Snape approved of our potion and dismissed us, but I just took my bag and run as fast as I can to the great hall not wanting to talk with Draco.


Draco has noticed how y/n started to ignore him this year, he was sad as the hope of him confessing slowly fads away every time y/n called him by his last name, as he watches her run to the great hall the pug-face comes and starts speaking with her annoying voice.

*Dracy~how are you today, have you heard-*she got cut off*shove of pansy not now I need to go*Draco runs to the great hall as he saw y/n eating with her friend he sat down and ate with Blaise, soon he saw y/n leaving the great hall waving goodbye to her friend.

Draco dashed out of the great hall leaving a half confused Blaise,*y/n*Draco calls after y/n but she keeps ignoring him and takes a turn, Draco runs after her but as he turns she is gone nowhere to be found he sighs and returns to the common room-y/n probably in the girl's dorm by now-


days go by and I am still distant but now I found a new friend he is in Hufflepuff his name is Edward James, he is a happy boy always smiling and uses every second of his life he never takes anything for granted and let's not forget how a fierce friend he is.

*Edward why don't we go to astronomy tower*I asked as he walks me to the Slytherin dorms*sorry I can't I have a date with Sofia*it's his girlfriend*ooh Sofia how can I forget, it's ok I do have homework to do, have fun bye*he waves at me as he runs back to the Hufflepuffes dorms

I went straight to my private dorm and as I closed the door I saw a blonde head sleeping on my bed, I knew who it was right away but I totally forgot that I gave Draco a key for my dorm.

I walked closer to the bed but I thought I would let him sleep, why was he sleeping in my dorm? I started doing my homework, as I finished all the homework I heard a whimper.

it was coming from my bed I totally forgot that a person was sleeping there but I think it's having a bad dream, I walked slowly and as I sat on the bed Draco shot upright and hugged me full of cold sweat and sobbing, breathing heavily.

I didn't know what to do but I just lay back on the bed and let Draco rest his head on my chest as I wrapped my hands around him protectively he was a bit tense but soon he calmed down.

*are you ok, do you wanna talk about it*I asked as I saw that he was calm again*I dreamed of you k;ssing Edward and then all of a sudden you turned to face me, you looked scary and without thinking you said a curse at me, and I just died.*ok what was he talking about*what curse did I use to make you think you died?* I asked*the Avada kedavra*my breath got stuck in my throat me saying that curse at Draco was one of the impossible things to happen

*y/n I am sorry, I don't know what have I done for you to ignore me this year*Draco said catching me by surprise again*it's nothing-you know what I don't care anymore, I love you Draco and that's why I have  been distant*I looked down ashamed of my childish behavior

I felt Draco cubing my checks*you ignored me for something like this, you silly Slytherin*and soon I felt soft lips on mine k;ssing me with full passion, we pulled away after a whole minute*I love you to my silly Slytherin*I smiled a bit but then my Slytherin kicked

*why did you dream of me and Edward k;ssing*he flushed a shade of pink*I-i will you looked like you liked him*he says nervously

I smirked*why were you sleeping in my room*he blushed *I wanted to hug you as you enter and apologize to you *HE WAS CUUUTE*ooh my ferret;)I will never like Edward more than a friend*his eyes suddenly became darker and he came closer to me

*I am your ferret~*he sang as he picked my lips, the Slytherin in me was still on*ok then I want you to give me some ferret whimpers*I said in his ear as he tensed, I slowly run my hands on Draco's body as he moaned*ooh~what are you doing to me y/n you are driving me crazy~*he whimpered  in my ear*ooh that's what I want because you have driven me crazy for ages now let's see how long you can shut your mouth as I show you what I wished I could do to you~*


let's say it was the best night for the both of them and Draco couldn't shut his mouth so the little ferret well- big got punished-poor Draco ;)

the end kiddos ;)

Draco Malfoy/ Drarry/Tom Felton one-shots for fansWhere stories live. Discover now