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hello, kiddo's a long time I see. I was just busy. now this is a Draco one-shot

enjoy, stay safe, love you ;).



"I HATE YOU, HOW COULD YOU, I KNEW FROM THE START, I should have listened to Harry when he said that you are nothing." I was broken"y/n please, trust me it wasn't my choice."I said sobbing"no! you chose to be a death eater. and even if you didn't want the mark, in the end, you still have that disappointing, disgusting mark. leave or I will k;ll you myself you disgusting sl*t!"

"y/n-n please. don't do this to me-e y-you know I love-e you-u-"I said"you love me!!! no way after that thing in your arm, I Hate you!! disgusting wh*re"y/n spat with venom in her voice"I-i please-e" I traid" NO, OUT NOW YOU BI*TCH!!"I ran out of the house(the Maxime's house) crying out of sadness that my only love just left me because of this stupid mark.



I woke up with the feeling of something shuffling beside me. I looked at my beautiful husband-wait why is he shaking and sobbing. I need to wake him" Draco!, love! darling!"I shacked him. suddenly he shoots right up and into my arms hugging me for dear life crying"aa-aahh-y/n- p-please is thi-is you-u" "shush love, yes it's me. I am not going any way calm down." I held him for what seemed like hours but I will never complain as long as I am with Draco.

I was rocking Draco left and right as he whispered things like" this is you. why did you come back after you left, I am sorry" "Draco, it's just a nightmare"soon we slept with Draco murmuring things and me whispering sweet nothings

skip time morning

I woke up early, I didn't want to wake Draco up, he seemed peaceful.

as I was making breakfast I heard crashing sounds coming from our room.

I ran up the stairs and entered the room. Draco was throwing things and crying. As soon as he saw me. he fell to the floor and kept backing up to the wall"Draco!" I whispered going close to him" P-Please . I am sorry, I didn't want the mark, please" I don't understand.

I hugged him tightly and"it was all a nightmare lets go eat and then you can tell me everything" after a bit of time I took Draco to the bathroom and did our morning routine.

we finished breakfast-me feeding Draco as he eats cutely-I sat us both on the couch"tell me love"I whispered to his ear, he told me everything with details. oh, how can someone dream such a nightmare"aww my precious baby. don't ever worry when these little shit*y dreams come. how dare they make you believe that I will ever judge you. don't worry the war has ended 4years ago and this dream coming out of nowhere means that you will finally move on from that bad memory" I kissed him softly- little fragile baby-"I love you"I told him, he giggled, AAHH how can a giggle k;ll"AAhh It k;lled meh that giggle"I mucked, he slapped my shoulder playfully and pouted"my little ferret"I ruffled his hair" no~ I am not a ferret~~" he whinned" yeah sure"I rolled my eyes playfully receiving another slap.

"Why don't we go on date and have ice cream?"I asked him"yay ice cream I would love that"Draco giggled and ran to the room to get ready.

will at least he forgot about that nightmare, ice cream can do wonders. how much do I love this boy YOU will never know"WAit for me, love!"I smiled going to the room.

the end;)

Draco Malfoy/ Drarry/Tom Felton one-shots for fansWhere stories live. Discover now