Many people who hasn't been personally bullied themselves sometimes don't really know what it feels like, how lonely someone being bullied feels, even when they are in a crowded place. I say to people: it's like sitting in a classroom all alone. There is no one in there but you. You have no electronics with you, nothing to do- but think. Your mind eventually starts to wonder and you think about things that you generally don't normally think about it. Some things will get you depressed. - now add in people. It could be ten, twenty, or hundreds of people- and you still feel that loneliness.
That loneliness never slip your side, just like it says in the last stanza of the poem. The victim being bullied can become "popular" over night. Make tons of friends, and that loneliness will never leave them.
I find myself lonely all the time, even when I'm with a bunch of people. Everyone and then I'll find myself feeling lonely. Sometimes it's a good thing, but most of the time it's a really harsh feeling.
So if you see someone whose quiet, and just kinda looks lost. Go talk to them, they aren't "unsociable," - odds are they are feeling the side effect of being bullied.
Stay Strong!
Stay Strong
RandomImagine. Your standing in a field all alone There's not a tree in sight, All you see is Gods great light. *** Now remember that cold feeling, And when you open your eyes you still feel it. There is nothing you can do or say. *** But, Stay Strong ...