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**Chan's POV**

Today is the day I finally get to meet Bok.bok, and I'm filled with excitement. But first, the guys and I need to practice for our next show.

As I walk into the room, I see Changbin hugging Lixie, and it ruins my good mood. Changbin always seems to be with Felix, cuddling or talking with the fans, and it gets on my nerves. I hate how it makes me feel.

"Felix, Channie hyung, you're here. Did you sleep well?" Felix's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I force a smile.

"Hey, Bokki. Yeah, I did," I replied, trying to shake off the jealousy creeping in.

"Yo, Chan, you seem happy today," Changbin's observation doesn't help my mood.

"Yeah, I was until I saw you hugging Lixie," I think to myself, feeling a pang of jealousy.

"Yeah, today I'll meet someone important to me," I answer, trying to deflect the attention away from my conflicted emotions.

"Is it that cute person you text every day and night?" Han teases, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Maybe," I mumble, feeling embarrassed by their teasing.

"Is our hyung in love?" Hyunjin chimes in, and I blush even harder.

"No, yes, maybe," I stammer, unable to deny it completely.

"I thought only Felix blushed like that," I.N adds, and I curse inwardly at how transparent I am.

"Did someone call me?" Felix's voice breaks through our conversation, and I panic.

"No," I replied quickly, hoping he didn't hear our conversation.

But then Felix asks me to come over, and my heart races. What does he want to talk about?

With Felix and Han, Felix finally confesses that he's Bok.bok, the one I've been texting all this time. My mind reels with the revelation, and I feel a mix of emotions—surprise, confusion, and a strange sense of relief.

Han's reaction is priceless, and I can't help but chuckle nervously at the situation. But deep down, I feel a pang of guilt for inadvertently leading Felix on.

As Minho enters the room, he effortlessly reveals that he knew about Felix being Bok.bok all along. I'm stunned by his insight but grateful for his understanding.

When Minho suggests that Felix goes to change for our "date," I'm caught off guard. I never thought of it as a date, but the idea sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

As I prepare to leave, part of me wants to stay and take care of Felix, but I know he'll be in good hands with Changbin. Still, the pang of jealousy lingers as I realize Changbin knows about my feelings for Felix.

As I stand in front of Felix's door, I can't shake the guilt and confusion swirling inside me. But when I see Felix, looking sleepy but adorable, my resolve wavers.

"Hey, mate, are you okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned for him.

"Yeah, a little. Are you going to your meeting with that boy?" Felix's question catches me off guard, and I feel a pang of guilt.

"Yeah, I'm going. Changbin will come and take care of you," I reply, trying to sound casual.
When I left the room, Changbin came and, before entering, he whispered something that shocked me deeply.

He whispered, "So now I can take care of him myself, right? You have your meeting."

It was clear that he knew about my feelings for Felix. The thought of letting Changbin take my place with Felix made me feel uneasy. I wanted to tell him that he couldn't, that Felix was mine, but I knew I wasn't in a position to say that. So, I just nodded reluctantly and went to change to meet Bok.bok.

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