Chapter 10 - The Fire Bender

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Around seven in the morning my stomach suddenly flipped so I went to the loo. Since I fainted yesterday my condition is the same.

'I think Hector is right Silver the symptoms are starting to manifest and our body is getting weak.' I talked to my wolf in weak voice.

'Go take a shower Ash maybe we will feel better before he comes.' She suggested.

Fifteen minutes passed I'm done getting ready. I was picking up my converse when Hector appeared by the door.

"FUDGES Hector! You scared the hell out of me!" I held my raising heart.

"I'm sorry Miss Ashley next time I'll let you communicate with me through Silver." Hector bowed his head.

"How did you get in? Did Kaylin saw you?" I keep on babbling.

"I didn't pass the door Miss Ashley." His head is still on the ground.

"Please don't bow and stop calling me Miss I'm not really comfortable at it Ashley is fine." I got a little annoyed.

"I can't do that Miss Ashley it's totally rude and I'm just following orders." He shook his head.

"Who made you obliged to do it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry Miss Ashley it's not my place to tell yet. Are you ready to go?" He apologized again.

He extended his hand and just like last time we travelled in fast motion. Once again we are back in the castle that becomes like a safe haven for me.

"How did we get here in jiffy?" I wondered.

"Just like you Miss Ashley I have the ability to teleport in different places and I am a clairvoyant too." He smiled.

"Who own this castle Hector?" I scanned the area.

"We can talk about that later Miss Ashley for the time being I focus on your training alone. There are a lot of things you need to know and learn before we start." He dismissed the issue.

"I certainly need a lot of my patience with you riddles." I sighed.

"Let's start with basics. As an elemental bender your eye colours will change depending on which element you'll be using. Second your body, mind, soul and heart will play a big role on this including every emotion you show will channel to your abilities. Please follow me and Miss Ashley." He walked ahead of me.

I towed him until we entered the building in my observation we are in the receiving area because there is a fireplace built on the wall.

"What are we doing in here I thought we will train?" I mull over.

"Yes we are and that chimney will be your practise ground until you acquire your first element." He is now standing in front of it.

"What is the first one?" I stayed on my spot.

"The fire and it's the easiest one to obtain. The main focus of this element is your pain and other emotions that can make you lose a temper. Your outer body/skin is the point of your element and your eyes will turn red and the rest of your surroundings." He goes into details.

"Now I understand." I uttered remembering what happened yesterday.

"Let's begin... Take a deep breath and focus your extreme anger and vent it out on your hands. By doing that you will create small fire until it forms into a fireball; when you reached that stage threw it on those logs so it will burn." He instructed.

On my first attempt I failed to light it up and only got few smokes coming out. Next try I get sparks in my fingers only mere seconds.

"I can't do it Hector!" I'm getting really frustrated.

"Focus! Think about how you Danica treated you and something that really hit the limit of your patience." He persuades me.

For the last time I thought of all the bullying she did. The time she pushed me to the lake and letting me drowned; vandalized my locker with orphan/nerd; pouring water on my reports that has deadline. Last one that really made me pissed was her offensive words towards Mother Ester and my unknown parents.

"I can see you're almost there keep it going Miss Ashley." Hector boosts me up.

Third time I rubbed my palm and soon the fire ignited. I managed to create a fireball and throw it to the logs.

"That was great Miss Ashley! In eight minutes you got it right but next time you have to do it five minutes. With continue practise those flames you produced can be done in seconds." He praised me.

"Thank you Hector." I suddenly felt proud.

"Don't thank me yet we are just starting Miss Ashley. As a fire bender, you can create, control and manipulate fire, flame and heat. You will breathe out flames from your mouth and explode yourself in smoke and reforms back. The best feature of this element is forming you into fire." Hector defines thoroughly.

In pronto we ended up to the basement once again. Before I can react he placed in a circle with a smell of gasoline. He lights it up and it was like 200 cm!


"Stop whining Miss Ashley! You are a fire bender so embraced it. Feel the fire in your body, manipulate it and command it to stop! Do it in five minutes." He demanded.

I felt like an idiot right now he is right as I touched the flames. It didn't burn me so there is nothing to be scared. I inhaled sharply and aimed controlling the blazing fire. After some time it started to go down from 180... 130... 100...60... until it finally stopped.

"Great job! Now light up the ring of fire again enough to touch the ground then transfer the flames into your body. This will be the part that needs more of your emotion and energy. You can start when you're ready Miss Ashley." He dictates in solemn voice.

It was really damn hard but after a while I felt my feet and legs are warming up until it reaches to my head including my hair! When I take in sights of my body there is a line about 10cm flaring me. I keep going on at it until I felt dizziness so I stopped.

"Miss Ashley that's great!" He compliments me again.

"I wish I could've done it faster and better but it's really difficult." I sounded disappointed.

"That's not too bad for a start Miss Ashley with continues practice you will achieve it. Remember the Eifel Tower wasn't been in a day." He advised me.

"Thanks again Hector. So what's the next element I need to do today?" I sat on the floor.

"We will work up the others on day to day basis Miss Ashley. You need enough strength and rest to perform each element." He offered me water.

"Now I finally see the light on your words." I drink in one draft.

"Since we are now doing your training the symptoms will most likely to come so I will give you medicine to take. The pill only works for symptoms but it won't help you to heal." He handed me a bottle of pill.

"Hector, is there any way I won't feel this?" I accept it.

"Only your mate can stop the symptoms and heal you Miss Ashley. Before you turned 18, you need to meet him or it will place your life in great danger." His face showed troubled.

"It's two weeks away Hector and I don't think I have enough time for him." I gave same reaction.

"Don't lose hope Miss Ashley he is just around the corner. For now let's get you back before your friend burst into your door in three minutes." He held my hand again.

We teleported in my room and right on cue Kaylin was at my door knocking. I didn't realize I was gone for five hours and it's now half past twelve. 


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••••• MJ Cristine

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