Chapter 20 - The Air Bender

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I woke up with my alarm that was set around three in the afternoon. I know we have a schedule but I am determined to learn everything. There is not much time before those witches will be after me too. I'm glad Kaylin was out so she wouldn't know I'm gone.

'Silver, are you okay to train today?' I knew she's a little weak too.

'I can still manage Ash how about you?' Her inaudible response.

'I'm feeling the same but we need this training so we can protect ourselves in the future.' I went to the shower.

After I got ready Hector arrived and he refused to train me. At the end he caved in and orbed us to the cornfields.

"We are now on your third element Miss Ashley. Are you ready to unleash the wind element?" Hector stands beside me.

"As I'll ever be. Wait! What colour will my eyes be white or silver?" I guessed.

"It's silver Miss Ashley and this ability will only use your mind and an emotion that calms you. As a wind bender, you can manipulate the air, wind and gas that can cause tornadoes or equivalent effect. By using this element, you can fly and create any portal you wish to go. The best of this is you can be invisible as long as there is air around you." He discussed slowly.

"I hope my brain can remember every detail and do these things without any more pain." I sighed.

"This is the second easiest elemental to learn Miss Ashley. Don't worry I'll make this training easy for you." He stood by the corner.

"Knowing you Hector you won't get easy on me." I scoffed.

"Let's begin this by creating a cyclone, tornado or hurricane in this field about 100 meters away. Destroy those brick houses don't worry they are already vacated few years ago. I'm giving you five minutes to and it starts when you're ready." Hector instructed.

"Destroying the houses in five minutes is not easy! You're really killing me." I mocked him but follow anyway.

I started concentrating and soon there's an air formation. I could see the dust devil from 60 meters distance. I focus my energy to get it bigger soon the houses were destroyed.

"You're getting better! A little more practice and it's perfect. Let's do another test shall we." He orbed us in different place.

We are now standing at the peak of the mountain with 10,000 feet or more below the ground.

"Next, you need to learn to levitate yourself so I want you to jump off the cliff. This technique will enhance your speed when fighting or simply moving from one place to another." He passed the word as if it's nothing.

"No no no!! I'm afraid of heights so I am not going to ju---!! I protested.

Before I knew it I'm dropping off the cliff. I screamed with all my might when my wolf speak.

'Focus Ash we can do it.' Silver boosts my skills.

Soon I felt the wind taking my body in the air with clouds forming around me. I was able to fly and almost made it back to Hector's location when I lost control. Thanks to my Guardian he caught me before I fall freely.

"You never failed to amaze me every time we train Miss Ashley. You just conquered your fears and I'm proud of you." Hector safely placed me on the ground.

"I just can't seem to last longer than what you expected me to do." My heart is still racing like a marathon.

"I know you're a fast learner and soon everything will work accordingly. Now there is one more task we need to do and we're done for today." Hector tapped my shoulder.

"What's the last one?" I breathed normally now.

"Create four vortex with 300 cm diameters vortex that leads you to other worlds but there's a catch you will enter the portal on invisible mode. It's like masking your scent but this time your body is concealed." He stepped backwards.

"Where do the four portals leads Hector?" I couldn't help but be curious.

"Red vortex is for the Underworld that consists of demons and dark creatures. White vortex is called Afterworld where angels and Goddess exist. The black vortex is known as the Darkworld for the vampire's coven. The colourful vortex will be Wicca world the home of witches and warlocks." He defines thoroughly.

"Any worst cases scenario while doing this?" I prepared myself.

"Every portal closes in an hour so you need to get back before it happens. If there is no wind presence you cannot make an escaped and you'll be trapped. Just focus, stay calm and clear your mind." He ordered from a distance.

As I accumulate my concentration I began to create 230 cm diameters for each portal. The first three portals made me feel safe to roam around somehow but the last made me agitated. I was in the middle of the vortex when I saw a familiar hair. Its Danica's father and this is my chance to see his face but then Hector had the best timing in the world.

"Hector why did you do that? Don't you know I'm close to finding out who is Danica's father?" I was a little irritated.

"I apologize Miss Ashley I had to take you back the portal was about to close." He bowed.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice a little I'm just frustrated to know that man." I felt guilty.

"There will be a time for that when you're well prepared and I can tell being your Trainor you executed your abilities very well." He smiled proudly.

"Thanks so much for not giving up on me even I'm such a brat. I just hope my parents were proud of me too instead they left me." I expressed my sadness.

Seconds later rain starts pouring and it was me who is doing it.

"You need to control your emotions Miss Ashley otherwise we will get soak." Hector notified me.

I stopped crying and the sun starts to shine again. He sends us back in my room and he calls out goodbye. I am sure that Hector knew about my parents but he is avoiding the topic. Maybe it's best not to talk about it yet since it might affect my trainings.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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