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She walked into her son's room, a solemn look on her face as she stared at his old things. She walked around the room, letting her hand graze over his items as she sighed.

"Don't act like you miss him."

She paused.

Her laughter was manic, really. The way she burst into a fit of giggles at such a simple statement. She turned to the glass on the wall.

"I feel like you know me too well, dear."

The boy didn't laugh, nor did he respond. But after moments of silence, he put his hand to the glass and looked at her.

"Is he...is Jungkook doing okay?"

She stared at him before walking closer. She placed her hand on the glass as well and smiled crookedly while titling her head.

"Why?" She giggled. "Hoping he'll come back to save you?"

Taehyung exhaled a ragged breath and blinked back his tears.

She banged on the glass, startling him. A high pitched cackle sounded from her lips upon seeing his big fearful eyes.
"Don't get your hopes up, dear..." she smirked, tracing the boys face shape on the glass.

"...I made sure to put him somewhere he'll never be able to escape."

{T H E    ❦    E N D}

A/N: This story was very different from my rest. Anyways, I can do an explanation chapter IF you guys need one. If so, please leave your questions here: 

Otherwise, thank you for reading! I hope you liked this one. 

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