birthday special!

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some random suna hcs cause i'm lazy to write a new chapter <3

—will send you random cats videos in the middle of the night when he can't sleep

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—will send you random cats videos in the middle of the night when he can't sleep.

—updates the spotify playlist he made for you every week cause he said "idk, most of the songs i like reminds me of you".

—whenever you talk to him, his eyes are on you. eye contact, yep. he doesn't care about what you're talking about, he just finds your voice super soothing and relaxing ↓

"so and then- suna...? are you listening?" you paused your words when you noticed how long he had been staring at you for. the only replied he gave you was 'cool' or a 'mhm'. you thought you were talking too much and soon your facial expressions turned into a sad one.

"sorry baby. your eyes are just really pretty and your voice is really comforting. it's kinda hard to pay attention to what you're saying" he grinned when he saw your eyes widened. laughing, he leaned towards you and gave you a peck on the forehead.

"now, can you please continue with whatever you were saying?"

—he would always come home exhausted from practice. but that whole mood changes when he sees you smiling at him, arms open waiting for him to melt in your touch.

—whenever you two are alone, he will use his baby voice. he denies it in front of the team tho 😐. don't worry, once, you took a video of him using his baby voice on you 😆.

—baby is camera shy and will always try to cover his face when you wanna take pics of him.

LOVES taking pictures of you. like literally. every 10 seconds, he'll be like, "baby smile please" and you will see him spamming the camera button. his icon, wallpaper, insta pfp u name it— it's all pictures of you. did i mention he has a specific photo album of you with over 2,300 pics of you?

—his password is your birthday.

—one time, you were overworking yourself since the exams were coming in a few days time and you couldn't afford failing it. due to this, you barely gave suna any attention to the point he was annoyed and pouty at this ↓

suna insisted on helping you study when the main reason was to actually spend time with you hoping to get some cuddles like usual. not until, you were too preoccupied with your work that you didn't even gave suna his daily hugs.

you were still working on the same problem over and over and the amount of eraser dust caused by this specific problem is 🤣🙏. groaning as you put your head down on the table, you were about to try and solve the problem one more time before you felt arms wrapped around you.

"enough. that can wait but my cuddles can't. i feel like a hallucination here and i do not like it" he said and nuzzled his head into your neck, inhaling your soft scent that comforted him.

"rin, i still have tons of work to do" you replied to the middle blocker as you tried to emphasise on the word 'tons'. you picked up the pencil only for it to be smacked away from you. the weight from behind became lighter. directing your attention to your boyfriend, he grabbed your hand and walked towards your bed as he pulled you on top of him.

"sorry baby. i'm feeling touch-starved" he joked and you chuckled in response. he felt as though his mission of getting your attention a success. closing the gap between the two of you, he went in for a soft kiss on the lips.

—doesn't wanna admit it but he's in love with the way you play with his hair when he is laying on your shoulder or lap. it makes him fall in love with you even more and he could feel his eyelids getting heavier from this.

—BACKHUGS FROM SUNA. BACKHUGS FROM SUNA.BACKHUGS FROM SUNA.BACKHUGS FROM SUNA.BACKHUGS FROM SUNA. literally anywhere, he will always give you a small hug from the back. wbk, his love language is touch.

—one night, you told him he needs to cut down on the amount of kisses he gives you. however, he just replied you with a "sorry baby, can't. your lips are so addictive"

—if you're sad or not feeling the best, he will always be by your side. like always 🧍‍♀️. baby is just worried for you :(. he hates it when someone he loves isn't feeling good. he will try to make you feel better by cracking lame pickup lines, leaving notes on your books and whispering sweet compliments about you just so you know how much you mean to him.

—if you two ever got into a fight (which is rare), he would give you the silent treatment although he hates it. once he notices the sad and disappointed expression on your face, boom he starts clinging onto you and keeps apologising. he peppers you with kisses and cuddles! and hugs! to make it up to you<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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