Chapter 20

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"H-hey?" Yuzu said as she looked around nervously which made Ryo look at her with worried eyes. Yuzu saw it and gave him a reassuring smile. Ryo nodded then went back to eating his food.
"Yuzu.." Himeko said before taking a deep breath
"W-what is it M-Momokino-san?" Yuzu asked nervously.
"Are you happy..." Himeko asked as she looked down holding a cup of tea.
"I-I... why are you asking me this?" Yuzu asked.
"Tell me the answer... Are you happy?" Himeko asked before taking a quick sip of her tea.
"I-I don't.... know.." Yuzu said as she lowered her head while tears were slowly forming in her eyes but fought through it.
"Did you know that Mei cancelled her engagement for you..." Himeko asked as she looked at a sleeping Mei.
"I... didn't know... Himeko why do you think I would like to know that Mei cancelled her fucked up engagement? I-I don't care about her.... anymore.." Yuzu said while whispering the last few words.
"I just wanted you to know that.... as her step sis-"
"I don't care Himeko.... I-I am now a married woman. I don't want to hear anything from her. So please stop." Yuzu said as her tears came back which made her excuse herself hurriedly then went to the bathroom and cried silently after ending the call.
'Stupid.... Why are you so stupid! W-Why?... I wanted you to be happy Mei! I let you go... Just for you to fucking back down... What kind of stupidness is this?...' Yuzu thought as tears fell from her eyes she covered her face with both of her hands and continued crying.

"Hey Ryo-kun do you know where my sister is?" Yui asked as she held a plate filled with fruits.
"I think she went to the bathroom.. Tho she is taking a lot longer... it's been 25 minutes. C-can you check up on her?" Ryo said before asking.
"Of course don't worry Big-Brother." Yui said before putting her plate down then walked towards the bathroom. When she heard someone cry she began to worry.
"O-Onee-chan?" Yui asked as she knocked on the bathroom door.
'S-shit..' Yuzu thought as she quickly recomposed her self then washed her face hoping the redness of her eyes would go. But to her disappointment it didn't go away. She took a deep breath before un-locking the bathroom door which revealed a worried looking Yui.
"Onee-chan... A-are you Alright?" Yui asked as she hugged her Big sister.
"I'm fine Yui don't worry.." Yuzu said as she hugged back then gave Yui a fake smile which made Yui more concerned for her sister.
"Let's go? The other's might be waiting for us.." Yuzu said as she put a hand on Yui's shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze before holding her hands then walked back to the table. Where Ryo was talking with Akame.
"Oh? Yuzu... Hey We were just talking abo-.... What happened to you?" Akame said before asking then quickly walked towards Yuzu then pulled her into a hug. Which made Yuzu want to cry more. She wasn't really the one who gets comforted since she's the one who comforts other people.
"I-I'm don't worry about me" Yuzu managed to choke out those words as she hugged back.
"Yuzu... Are you sure?" Ryo asked with a glass of water on his hand then offered it to Yuzu.
"Yes.. I'm sure..." Yuzu said before taking the glass of water then drank it after she emptied the glass of water she thanked Ryo and gave him a reassuring smile which was clearly forced. Even tho the two just met for a couple of months they were close they understood each other.
"Y-you know you can tell us anything right?... We're always here for you Yuzuko." Ryo said as he took the now emptied glass of water and placed it down gently on the table before giving Yuzu a loving hug which Yuzu happily accepted then burried her face on Ryo's chest which made him smile softly at how cute Yuzu was.
"I-I'll tell you later... but for now let's just have fun.." Yuzu said as she pulled away from the hug.
"Okay then..." Ryo said as he gave Yuzu a kiss on her forehead.
"I-I... ruined the mood did I?.." Yuzu asked as she looked down.
"No... Of course not... Yuzu you're good. If you want to talk about your problems later then it's fine.. I-I just want you to know that you are not alone and we're all here for you." Ryo said as he gave Yuzu a soft smile which made Yuzu feel butterflies in her stomach. Suddenly a music was played. Ryo looked at Yuzu then smiled nervously at her.
"W-will you dance with me?" Ryo asked nervously while blushing, then he held out his hand for Yuzu to take.
"O-of course.." Yuzu said as she blushed slightly then took his hands. They began dancing perfectly with the music. They saw a lot of flashes and heard a lot of clicks as they danced but they ignored it and just enjoyed each others company. But little did they know someone who just woke up from her sleep saw everything.

"Huh?.... S-she's happy?... with him... Y-Yuzu... I-I'm sorry... please... PLEASE! COME BACK TO ME!" Mei whispered before yelling while tears were dripping from her eyes.
"P-please...... r-remove t-this p-pain I'm f-feeling... I-It h-hurts... s-so.. much... I-I.... l-Love you... Y-yuzu.. I'm s-sorry.." Mei whispered as she sat at the corner dark part of the guest room and cried again.
"Meimei.... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..." Himeko whispered as she heard Mei yell and cry.

So?... How was it? Was it alright? Please let me know if there are any mistakes so that I could try and fix it. So yeah hope yall enjoyed todays chapter. Bye love lots^^


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