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Somewhere within the Test Area, three figures can be seen together.

The first one is a young girl with pink eyes and pink hair set in a child-like style. She is wearing a red full body zentai.

It is implied that despite having the appearance of a kid, she is quite old.

She is using a fake name, Ms. Ice Strawberry.

She is a Ranker and a member of Wolhaiksong from one of the Eurasia's branch families.

The second is her partner. 

A very tall man with fair skin, long thick flowing black hair and two long white horns that protrude from the side of his head.

His mouth is covered by what appears to be the skeletal jaws of a Shinheuh.

He is wearing a white and blue admiral's jacket with black garments underneath.

And the last one is a sleepy Regular.

He has dark green hair and green eyes. He is wearing a blue jacket and a pair of grey pants covered by a blanket.

He is a talented Wave Controller of the Eurasia Family.

His name is Phonsekal Laure.

Currently, Ms. Ice Strawberry and Laure are fighting over something silly. Her partner just standing nearby silently.

"Ms. Ice Strawberry, where are you?" A sudden voice stop their bickering.

The said woman replied with "Oh, sorry! Blueberry! I've found a homeless guy."

"Yeah, good job." Blueberry or rather Hatzling said and continue "But there's a problem."

"The Princess, not ours, got upset at some guy. It's seems like he's a Ranker too... There might be a big fight. Do you want the coordinates?" He asked the girl.

"Yeah! Of course!" She chirped excitedly.

At the same time, the boy who is the rightful owner of the lighthouse just sitting there, listening to their conversations.

'What are they? Why are they using weird nicknames? And why they're fighting during the Test? Are they nuts?' The boy wondered.

He has a pale skin, pale blue hair that reaches his shoulder and blue eyes, the norm for those from the Khun Family.

His bangs cut across his forehead and hang just over his eyebrows. He has a blue bandanna tucked inside his hair. 

He is Khun Aguero Agnis. He is one of many "defected sons" of Khun Eduan. He was expelled from his family because of an unspoken reason.

He was assigned the Light Bearer position and showed clear talent in the field.

"What is your name?" Aria who is sitting not far from him asked kindly.

He just looks at her, not knowing what to do.

Seeing that, Aria smile warmly at him.

"It's lovely to meet you. I'm Aria Roseheart." She introduced herself.

Aguero was taken aback by that. Isn't that the name of the one and only Wolhaiksong Princess?!

What is an extremely powerful High Ranker doing here? Nonetheless, he keeps his composure.

"I'm Khun. Khun Aguero Agnis." Aria's smile wider at the answer.

"Wolhaiksong Princess, why are you here in the Second Floor?"

Already familiar with someone calling her by that title she just said, "Nothing much. I just came here together with Yuri. She said that she wants me to meet someone."

"And who is that someone?" Aguero continues interrogating her.

"If I'm not mistaken, Yuri said that his name is Bam."

That is something that the almighty Khun Aguero Agnis already expected.

"Do you perhaps know where is that Bam?"

"He is taking a Test underwater." He answered truthfully.

"Are you aware who is Bam exactly?" He straight away asked her.

"He is an Irregular. Same as me." She replied calmly.

"So you already knew." It's sounds more like a sentence rather than a question.

"Of course, Yuri told me everything, from the moment they met at the First Floor and how she lent the Black March to him." Khun just nodded his head and let the maiden continue.

"I heard he's climbing the Tower to search for a girl. That's really romantic."

"Well, he's already found her. But, the girl can't proceed to the next Floor because she's injured her legs. We need to pass this Test to make sure she can continue climbing the Tower." Khun explained briefly to Aria.

"I see. He's really a wonderful friend. And you too, Aguero." He snapped his head towards her.

"How can you be so certain that I'm a great person?"

"You didn't abandon him even though you know the risk of being with an Irregular. Furthermore, you want to help fulfill his wish, right?" Her smile doesn't flatter even a bit.

A small smile appeared at his face.

'I can't hide anything from the infamous Aria Roseheart. I heard a rumour that she tend to act like a big sister who knows everything about her siblings.' That's what in his head. 

Like she just read his mind, "Even though we just met, I already considered you as my little brother, Aguero."

Aguero looks at her with wide eyes, clearly doesn't expect something like that "Is that so... I'm happy then. To be a little brother of the Aria Roseheart. Please take care of me from now on, Onee-chan." He said teasingly.

Despite of that, he's actually feeling a warm sensation inside. A woman he just met, shows such genuine love to him.

As if she's truly his sister. Just like a real family.

Aria just smile softly in return.

That's how their siblings relationship started.

I will not be ruled. I make my own rules. That is the mindset of a ruler.

-Khun Aguero Agnis

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