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Yuri and Ren are having a staring contest. When she's just about to attack him, Evan's voice suddenly interrupted them although the Princess is the only one who can hear him.

"Yuri-sama! Please stop! I don't mind if you kill him, but it will get complicated if it turns out you're helping Anaak's daughter! Kurdan is on his way. Didn't you bring him for situations like this?"

"Darn it! Being a Zahard Princess is a tiresome job... Hey! Do whatever you want." Yuri exclaimed, making the others confused.


The woman took the Black March and left.

"W- WAIT! Where are you going?! You said you'd help! Hit him once!! It's really simple, right?!"

"Please! Hit him! H- Hey!! Are you really leaving?!"

The Regulars shouted for help.

"Hehehe... Hehehehehehe... That's really a surprise Yuri-sama!! I knew it!! Yuri-sama won't disobey the King's order!! That was a smart decision."

"Kurdan. Do it." Her red eyes glow dangerously.

In an instant, Kurdan smashed the rice ball with his hammer.

The impact was so strong that it made the cave crushed.

"Hehehe. A cutter, that was unexpected. So you brought your team, Yuri-sama... But this way, leaves no evidence. Hence, I can't even make report. Indeed, you're fearless." At the death's door, the Ranker can still manage to laugh.

When Yuri turned around to depart, he continues "The person that you're looking for... Is it Bam, the Irregular? I sent the bull. Hehehe... Hehehe! Sorry. It's a waste of his talent, but we can't let the Irregular to stay alive. That boy will die, Yuri-sama. Even killing me won't stop it. You might have noticed, this is not my real body. Hehehe... See you again, fake."

Yuri clenched her mouth, with a low voice she speaks "Evan... I can't stand this anymore. I'll finish this absurd game. I'll rip this whole stage apart."

The Regulars all over the Test Area suddenly felt a dangerous aura.

"Yuri-sama! S-Stop it, Yuri-sama!!" The Guide continuously begged his partner.

"Stop what? This Test doesn't make sense from the beginning. I'll blow the whole thing up and bring back Bam."

Out of nowhere, the coffee addict warned her "That's enough, Yuri Zahard. Anymore interference and Bam automatically fails the Test."

"Oh, so you're the Test Director? That's good. I'll kill you after this. So wait right there." Now it's Yuri turn to threaten him.

'That is... A bit scary' The man thought.

"D-Don't, Yuri-sama!! He's right!! The Test is being carried out as the Guardian planned!! The twisted assassin and our intervention are all part of the Test!! Our roles ended when the furball died!! We're done!! At this point, it's up to Bam!! It's his job to finish this Test!! Trust him, Yuri-sama!!" Evan gave a little speech to the noirette.

The woman stands and thinks for awhile, "Hey, sister. Do you think Bam can pass the Test?" She asked Endorsi Zahard.

The said maiden is a fairly human-looking girl with majestic yellow eyes. She is very pretty, as she is one of Zahard's Princesses and has short brown hair. Her only non-human feature is the small horn on the right side of her head.

"Bam will survive. Because I told him, I'll date him if he comes back alive. He will regret if he dies." She answered without a single doubt.

Yuri just stared at her and suddenly threw a Wing Badge to Shibisu, "Hey, sweatsuit. When Bam comes back, give this to him and make sure he comes to 77th Floor when he is a Ranker. Tell him, Urek Mazino and Aria Roseheart are waiting for his arrival. Did you hear that?" The man replied with a loud yes.

The Ha walked towards Anaak that is laying at the ground and grabbed the Green April "And I'll take this. It's too heavy for you to carry. When you're ready, come with Bam, kid."

With that she finally left the Regulars and didn't pay any attention to the lizard girl's screaming.

Back to the lighthouse, Hatzling is slightly disappointed with the sudden turn of event. "Hmm... This was lame. I wanted to have some fun. Well, there's no choice."

"You shouldn't say something like that, Hatzling. Someone's life is at stake. I don't want to watch that girl dies when she's barely in the Second Floor. After all, she has quite a potential." Aria softly scolded her friend.

"Wo~ah! Our Princess is praising someone else. The vice-captain will sure~ly be jealous. I need to make sure to tell him later." He said teasingly and Aria can already imagine how clingy her boyfriend will be.

"Let's go now, our Princess."

"Of course. Thank you for lending your lighthouse, Aguero. Ah, and please tell me more about Bam kay?"

"WAIT!! Are... Are you also the son of the Khun?" The younger Khun screamed at them, well more like Hatzling.

"Oh, so are we... Brothers?" The Ranker Khun questioned Aguero back.

'You just realized it now?' Aria kind of shocked. 'How come you didn't know? Both of you basically have the same features.'

"Well, I don't really care. I've been out of the family for a long time. Ever since I got this wing. Are you jealous?" The Wolhaiksong member said rather proudly.

"Hmph. Why should I be jealous of a guy with a wing who ran away like a loser? I'm Khun. I'll use this name to rule the Tower one day." He replied confidently.

The pinkette beside Hatzling gape at him. Silently cheering for the Light Bearer.

"Hm. I'm looking forward to seeing that, my brother. But first, rule your lighthouse." The man laughed and went outside, leaving the two behind.

"I'm sure you can do it, Aguero. If you need any help, you know who to call right? I'm always be there to support you. No need to worry. Oh here, I hope you will come to 77th Floor so we can chat more. Inform me what happened in the Test. See you later!" The maiden waved at him after she gave a Wing Badge that same like what Bam received.

'Aguero is really cute. I can't wait to tell Maz and Ai about my experience today.'

It will be nice if this Tower change, even a little bit.

-Aria Roseheart

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