w-who is there?

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i sleep in the big tent out in the middle of the dark forest scared but calm dreaming of my big grey troll holding me in my sleep. i wake up in the middle of the night thirsty and try to sneek out bug low and behold the fairy swoops me up and tells me i should not have tried to leave. "i want water" he then swoops down and places me next to a pod that is clear as a crystal. i bend down and try and get water but then i hear a twig break. the "fairy boy" comes back and stands in front of me and hides me from whatever it was scaning the area. he then suddenly swoops up and somthing cold and hard hits me in the solder hard. i look at it and see it is a arrow and i instantly faint . as i am fainted i faintly hear the "fary fall to the ground hard and all of a suddin i feel strong arms pick me up and throw me over his sholder. he then whisper. ",y apoligys my lady i am taking you to the boss now" you then black out and wake up in a big bed with the grand highblood sitting next to you "ArE YoU oK lIl MaMa?" " i-i think so" "i Am So FuCkIng happY To HaVe YoU bAcK!" he leans down and gently hugs me and tells me that dark leer killed rufioh, but got me with an arrow and got me hom just in time to save me from the loss of blood. "i Am SlEePy.CuDdLe Me?" he nods and cuddles you not sleeping and watching you sleep worried that the same event may happen again. "i Will Do AnYthing To protecT mY lil maMa" he then kisses your cheek and sleeps sitting up with you asleep in his lap

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