Chapter 6

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The dusty, old-fashioned clock that is sitting un-hung and up against a wall on the counter in Amanda's undisturbed kitchen reads close to midnight, as the detective and her superior furiously stumble through the hefty apartment door. Olivia is essentially carrying Amanda in her arms at this point—after making a bargain with her, promising snacks—and having struggled greatly to get her limp body out of the car—and to pressure her into walking out of the parking garage and into the elevator. As soon as they bust through the stubborn entrance of Amanda's one-room apartment, and the soles of their slush-covered shoes touch the hardwood floor of the living room, Amanda gradually slides out of Olivia's arms and droops down to contort her body into a puddle on the ground. Frannie has already awoken out of her lonely, peaceful slumber, and hurries to greet her sloppy owner with a stroke of her sloppy, wet tongue. Amanda remains undisturbed by her loyal companion's welcoming; Olivia shakes her head in response, rustling the wavy, brown locks, and lifts a foot over her drunken subordinate to switch on a dim light.

"Okay, 'Manda," Olivia prods, now crouched low to the ground next to Amanda, seeking direct access into the detective's small ear. "C'mon, sweetheart," she adds, allowing the pet name to slip out of her mouth without a second thought, secure in the fact that the younger woman is indeed far from consciousness. She gently shakes Amanda's limber, bony shoulders in an attempt to wake her from the dead, but is met only with a throaty grumble and a slew of some choice words uttered from the small detective's mouth.

Frannie, who is anxiously awaiting her owner's attention, attempts to help Olivia awake her sleepy master by barking lightly and pawing at her arm. Now feeling nothing short of totally overwhelmed, Olivia decides to take three deep breaths—as suggested by Dr. Lindstrom—and consequently breathes out heaps of carbon dioxide over Amanda's flaccid body. The deep breathing instantly relaxes her, and she further resolves to drown out the yaps and drift off into her own mind. The older, now more calm lieutenant quickly realizes that her brain is in an endless loop, constantly replaying the words Amanda so carelessly uttered right before her cheek plopped against the icy car window and she passed out: "anything you want, can do anything you want to me."

"What the hell does that even mean?" the older woman internally demands, now fully immersed in the depths of her subconscious yearnings. "We've barely even scratched the surface as friends...why would she assume I would even WANT to do anything to her? Is this what she means by 'demons?' Does Rollins like women? DO I like women?"

The baffled brunette is harshly interrupted by a very restless dog, whom she can only assume is eager for attention, and, perhaps, in need to relieve herself. She verbally questions Frannie if she needs to go "potty," and her overzealous response only confirms her suspicion.

As Olivia hoists Amanda up from the now-dirtied ground, she is conscious to press all of the weight into her legs and NOT her back. The veteran cop remembers learning this tip in the police academy several years ago, relying on it on a daily basis while catching perps. A tinge of nostalgia overcomes the older woman as she remembers her younger years, when she was naïve, optimistic, and definitely more open. Olivia is nearly screaming in agony as she positions the younger woman, whose limbs are inevitably splayed out all over into a jumbled mess, onto the couch, the place where she expects Amanda to retire for the night. Olivia stands in front of the piece of furniture for a moment, seriously wondering how such a tiny woman could weigh so much. "Jesus Christ, I'm getting too old for this shit," she shamelessly mutters aloud this time, as she simultaneously massages a hand into the small of her already-aching back.

Olivia takes a step back and reaches a hand into the pocket of her coat that she has yet to take off, grabs her phone, and opens the flashlight app on the device. She creeps around the shadowy apartment to find Frannie's leash, which is, much to her surprise, actually placed atop a hook on an organized rack next to the front door. Olivia ponders this strange occurrence: Amanda doesn't seem like she would have any aspects of a Type-A personality, but the orderly items prove otherwise. Frannie is now giddy with enthusiasm, impressively jumping up so high that she can reach Olivia's shoulders, and subsequently places a kiss on her cheek when she realizes she is about to be taken outside.

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