The Briefing • Chapter Nine

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*Warning cussing*

Killer finished straightening himself out and grabbed his knife, ready for whatever Nightmare had to tell them. He took a deep breath in as to calm himself and to discard whatever happened into the back of his mind. If this was a mission he had to be ready, he had to pull his weight, he didn't have a choice.

As he was walking down the familiar hallway he couldn't help feeling a bit queasy. He wasn't walking alone, even though he had wanted to. They wouldn't let him.

As the three reached the grand door to the meeting room Killer took a deep breath, knowing that they took a bit longer than usual.  They were likely to get punished if whatever Nightmare had to say wasn't important. On top of that he needed to look as if nothing happened. If nightmare knew then well, he didn't know what would happen.

The door opened almost automatically. Unlike some of the other doors this one opened smooth. No squeaking, no loud sounds except for the click of the handle itself. On the other side, A black shadowy figure stands, the tentacles behind it waving idly.

" You're late." Nightmare said it a menacing tone, clearly bothered by the tardiness of his employees.

Killer, unsurprised by Nightmares' reaction, looked down, avoiding any eye contact that might have been made. There were no acceptable excuse for being late. What was he supposed to say? He certainly couldn't tell Nightmare that he was shaken up. That would only cause more questions that Killer couldn't give answers to. Nightmare sighed, snapping killer out of his thoughts.

"Go on, take a seat, we have important business to discuss." With these words nightmare turned his back towards the three, dropping most of the tense atmosphere around them.

Glad to not have face what ever punishment nightmare would have created, killer sat down finally being able to focus on the task at hand despite being close sat next to Horror.

" Now that everyone is seated and here it is time to discuss the matter at hand." Nightmare started " Error has found a A few little problems that need to be taken care of. It looks like a new AU has been created, luckily they have no idea about The multi-verse yet. We should keep it that way."

Horror raised his hand. " Why don't we just kill them now, get them out of the way? I wouldn't mind some new snacks!" He said way too excitedly.

" We need to understand whose side they would be on. If they would be one to join our team then I don't want to lose that chance. That's why this particular mission is more of a steak out, of course violence is permitted if necessary." Nightmare answered. "Of course you would've notice if you wouldn't have interrupted. From now on, save all questions till the end."

As everybody nodded in agreement Nightmare continued. " All we have to do is watch how things play out and make sure my brother doesn't ruin anything. We can't have them joining sides with him no matter what. If this new AU turns out to be useless to us report back to Error, he'll take care of the rest. Any questions?"

Dust raised his hand and began to speak. " So this is just watching people? What's the fun in that and aren't there like thousands of AUs' being created daily, why are we so worried about this one?"

" Many of the other a use that are being created have minor differences. Papyrus might be a bit taller or sans might not go to grilldy's, things like that. Kind of like how swap fell and fell swap are. This one is different enough to be recognized and may be less likely to be forgotten about." Nightmare explained.

"So why do we even have Fs and Sf?" Dust questioned, realizing there isn't really a reason to have both of them around. "Can't wait just kill one of them?"

"Ink told them about each other. When they're together they're just too annoying to fight, luckily I was able to recruit them onto our team. But that's not why were here. Are there any more questions about the actual mission itself?" Nightmare stated, clearly still upset about the whole ordeal. "No? Good. Once you all are properly prepared you will go to Error for transport. Once you arrive he will hand you a folder. This folder should have the information on where you all will be situated along with what we've learned so far about the AU. I don't want any delay, every second that we're not there is another second they could be joining teams while we're losing valuable data."

"Yes sir." Everybody said almost in unison. Error somehow delayed.

If they all got up out of their seats and started walking out of the room nightmare added one more thing. "Don't think you're off the hook for being late, you're not. You will be punished appropriately when you return."

Well shit. Looks like I have something to look forward to when I get back from this. Killer said sarcastically to himself.

(860 words not including this bit! My goal was 1000 but this is close enough Lol! If I made any mistakes or didn't write like I did before too bad I'm not double checking this three different times for grammar mistakes. Hope you enjoyed!)

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