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not everyone is born equal, this is a thruth that izuku learned at the young age of 4, after receiving a beating from the local bullies for trying to protect someone despite being what is known as quirkless

His life was one of the hardest, in a world where 80% of people have a power known as quirk, izuku was part of the 20% that didn't have one

at first he thought that only meant that he couldn't be a hero, which was bad for him since that was his dream since a while ago, but soon he discovered that it was way worse than just that

as soon as his classmates hear of his condition the whispers and even insults appeared, which soon turned into bullying, all kinds of pranks, rumors, and even some death threats

but that wasn't the worst part

the worst part was his mother

the woman that at first he thought he could depend on with time started being indifferent towards him, one day izuku woke up due to a sound coming from downstairs, a little scared of what he could find he went to the kitchen only to find his mother crying in the table


he comes closer

izuku: what's wrong?

inko looks up to look at izuku and her crying face quickly distorts into something izuku didn't recognize, and  before izuku could say anything.


izuku, having fallen to his butt, looks up at his mother and quickly realizes what just happen

his own mother just slapped him

inko: SHUT UP, IS ALL YOUR FAULT!, do you have any idea what I went through everyday at work because of you!?

izuku just looks at her in disbelief


and just like that izuku felt like his heart was rip out of his chest, soon after that inko started to, from time to time, beat his own child

with the way everyone, even his own mother treats him, izuku knew he have to held on to something to survive, so he held on to his dream of being a hero despite everyone saying it was impossible

luckily, when he was 9 years old, the beatings from his mother stopped from one simple reason

his sister was born

hoping that this one wouldn't be like the first one she inverted all her time and attention into her, which meant acting like her son didn't exist, which was still better than her ocasionally beating him

during his whole life he went through a lot of problems, but the current one was....

that he was getting attacked by a mud villain

m.v.: hahahaha, just stay still and it will be over before you know it!.

izuku: ...(no, please, this can't be how I die, i haven't done anything with my life, please someone, ANYONE!)

just then from the sewer inlet came out a muscular figure with blonde hair

???: don't worry young men!, why...?-- said the blond man in a voice that made the villian look back in terror--

???: because I'm here!--said man sending a shockwave with his punch that splatter the villian everywhere releasing izuku--

after waking up izuku recognized the man as All Might, the number 1 hero and symbol of peace

A.M.: good to see that you are all right young man, sorry but I have to go.

izuku: please wait, can I ask you a question, just one!

A.M.: all right but please do it quickly

{this part is before the original time, therefore All Might is in a slightly better condition}

izuku:can anyone become a hero!?, even without a quirk!?

A.M.: without a quirk....?--asked All Might giving himself a moment to think and then--

A.M.: sorry, but i think it would too dangerous without one, you can still become a police officer or a firefigther, they don't get as much recognition but is best to stay realistic.

then All Might leap off leaving a izuku with a broken dream behind

in his desperation izuku did the only thing he could thing off to to escape from the pain, take as much money he could from his mother and run away-

he felt a little bad for leaving his little sister behind but at least he knew that with her quirk of pyrokinesis he wouldn't have to worry that their would treat her the same way she treat him

his little journey took him to a small unknown town called, for misterious reasons this town has the biggest amount of quirkless people in the world, once izuku managed to confirm he inmediatly thought that this town would be the best place for a quirkless person to start a new life.

Izuku got out of the train and took his first steps into the city.

_izuku pov_

Izuku: so this is it, this is the place where I start a new  -he thought before being interrupted by the sound of his stomach  demanding food-

Izuku: great, empty stomach AND empty wallet, now what am I supposed to do.

Izuku got out of the station while he was assessing his situation, he decided to go the a park as the calm atmosphere can help him think

Once In the park izuku sat in a bench beside a brown haired young man

Izuku: the first thing to do is find a job, but even then I doubt anyone would be okay with paying someone they just hired, so that means that I have to survive a few days without money.

Izuku grimaced right after saying that

Izuku: Even if I find a solution to my food problem I still have the problem of no having a place to stay, which to a health that could worsen my working skills, leading to me getting fired *sigh*, what am I supposed to do?

???: I might be able to help you if you want.

Surprised, izuku quickly look to his side to see the young man that was in the other side of the bench, immediately noting how his hair seemed to defy gravity.

Izuku: how...?

Izuku obviously wondered how he knew that he was in need of help, that is until he realized what probably happened.

Izuku: ...I was talking out loud, wasn't I?

???: you were.

Izuku: hehe -izuku was laughing nervously while scratching his neck once he realized what happened-

???: leaving that aside, do you need help?

One look at his face and izuku could see that the young man, which izuku noted was just a few years older than him, was asking not to know but to confirm.

Izuku: well..., I do but-

???: alright --said as he clasped his hands together-- how about we discuss about that while eating, it's on me of course

Izuku: WHAT!?, I couldn't-*growl*............

???: well, looks like there is your answer, c'mon I know a great sushi place.

Izuku: wh..!? Wait! I don't even know your name.

Tsuna: sawada tsunayoshi, feel free to call me tsuna.

izuku, Boss of CEDEFWhere stories live. Discover now