Chapter 2: left hand man

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< 1 year and 9 months later >

So much has happened.

Hibari make izuku go through so many insane physical exercises that in a few months izuku managed to obtain a body that leaves girls his age drolling, Once it's body reached that stage hibari started teaching him combat techniques.

but something that surprised him was that izuku analytical skills allowed him to analyze even the finest details of every technique, allowing him to learn them with only a fraction of the effort it normally took for an average person to do so.

Thanks to that plus the rigorous training of hibari, izuku quickly became the best fighter in the committee besides hibari himself, as a result he eventually became the left hand of hibari, the only reason for not being his right hand being that izuku respected the loyalty that the current right hand, Tetsuya Kusakabe, has towards hibari.

The respect izuku has towards kusakabe was such that when members of the committee said that he should give his position to izuku within his earshot, he would "discipline" them, which take us to our current situation.

namimori - disciplinary committee office:

kusakabe: again with this, huh izuku?

we can see three people, besides hibari and izuku we can also see a toupee wearing young adult whose name is Kusakabe Tetsuya, the right hand man of hibari, looking at izuku with a mixture of disapproval and happiness, the latter one being a result of seeing the young man grow into someone with both strength and confidence.

meanwhile izuku was standing straight almost like a soldier with a face that show no trace of regret for his actions, something that caused hibari to smirk.

kusakabe: seriously this is what, the third time this month?

izuku: with all due respect sir, I think that is those guys fault for not undertanding your right to your position.

kusakabe can't help but chuckle and shake his head at izuku statement, clearly being used to his anticts.

hibari: anyways, we can leave this discussion for later, there's more pressing matters to attend to.

at that hibari smirk disappear while kusakabe and izuku take a more serious face.

hibari: izuku, I'm sure you known about the group death claw.

izuku: of course, ever since they appeared they quickly became a huge pain.

hibari: well then you be glad to known that thanks to you capturing a few of their members be manage to locate their base of operations, normally I would take care of this personally but tsunayoshi needs me for a mission.

izuku quickly remember how sometimes tsuna, hibari and the rest of theirs friends go away for periods of time, at first when asked about it they would dodge the question or act like they didn't hear him but recently they started answering things along the lines of "you know soon enough".

kusakabe: izuku?

izuku: !, sorry!, I was distracted thinking, please continue sir.

hibari: as I was saying, being that the case I decided to leave kusakabe in charge of commanding the attack and leave you in charge of leading the frontlines, any objections?

kusakabe and izuku: no sir!

hibari: good, with that said I need to leave immediately, good luck.

kusakabe: thank you sir!

izuku: we won't disappoint you!

hibari: hm.

after hibari left kusakabe and izuku immediatly started planning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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