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School was finally done so I had to go visit bellatrix I didn't know if I should do it or not I mean she knew way more about death eaters then I do but I didn't want to see her again I just decided I had to go so I started to walk to her manor

About 20 mins go by and I finally get there each step a cold chill went down my spine, I finally packed up the courage to knock it only took her a few seconds before she opened the door a smirk came on her face
She grabbed my arm and pulled me aside so scared she was gonna torture me but she pulled me to her couch and pushed me on it she sat down on the other couch and began telling me about the death eaters, about an hour goes by I realizes I'm almost late for dinner so said, I'm sorry but I have to go I have to be back at Hogwarts, she nodded and I felt watched as I left, I get back to Hogwarts but I can't stop thinking about her she was very beautiful and she smelled amazing I thought she would smell like death, I get to dinning hall and start to eat but I still couldn't get her out of my mind I just didn't know how i just kept eating talking to Mcgonagall I didn't want to tell her about bellatrix, after dinner I get back to my dorm and start to grade for what felt like hours I still had to go to bellatrix manor tomorrow cause I still had no clue about death eaters.
The next day at school we had another test I didn't want to grade them at all but I was a professor so I had to deal with it after 5 mins someone already finished it was Hermione ofc I started to grade hers because she was finished before everyone after each every person was done I would start to grade theirs so I didn't have that much to grade later, about 50 mins go by and everyone is finally finished and I only have about 5 people to grade in this class.
7 Hours later school is done but I get my stuff get some papers to grade and go to bellatrix manor again a part of me was very happy to see her and another part was scared to see her 20 mins go by and I finally get there I knocked on her door and she answers like last time with another smirk on her face I still couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was admiring her after thinking that I heard her laugh under her breath, what is so funny I asked, oh nothing it just your thoughts are very loud after she said that I froze she can read my mind I turned red and looked away getting another laugh from her I turned back around saying I should go I got up leaving with embarrassment after I left I still could not stop thinking about her now she knew I liked her so now it would be so embarrassing to come back tomorrow I got back grading in my dorm I didn't want to go to dinner I was to nervous because of what just happened even if I did I would probably not eat I sat down grading the rest of the test that everyone did today then went to sleep as I was sleeping I felt watched i opened one eye but no one was there I brushed it off and went back to bed but I still felt watched.

I hope you guys like the this chapter sorry if it's dry these few chapters but from now on there will be something you won't even expect.

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