Chapter 1

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My life changed from being happily in love and having my own successful business, to being abused, raped and locked inside my burning store. That the one I loved was the cause of this, broke me. The physical pain of bruises, broken bones and a burnt arm, I could handle, but it took me months of therapy just starting to make me feel somewhat like myself again. The scar from my third degree burn on my right arm reminds me constantly, though.

With the amount of therapy sessions, the support from my parents and my best friend, Jenna, I now, one and a half year later, manage to be around men my age without getting panic attacks, but I rather avoid them when I can. The thought of love again feels very distant. How can I trust again when the man I loved was once kind and caring and then became violent and tried to kill me? I'm happy that I'm alive, though, and got a second chance, despite the pain that it caused.

My store burnt to the ground after I managed to escape. The business I built from scratch was gone. Ellie's was the name of the store, named after me. I sold mostly locally produced products. Everything from skincare, flowers, cheese, marmalade to handcrafted furniture and ceramics. The store went well and I had a good work relationship with all the producers that I visited from time to time, to make sure that the products were up to standards. They gladly let me sell their products and were very sad when they heard what happened and that I wouldn't reopen the store again.

Although I got a decent amount of money from the insurance I had and the damages I received in court, I didn't have the strength and passion anymore to build it up again. Instead I started working as a waitress in a café a few months ago. Not my dream job, but it paid the rent and kept me busy. I would rather have a job where I didn't have to face people, especially men, but everyone here knows not to bother me.

My ex, Matt, got a life sentence for abuse, rape, arson and attempted murder, so I don't worry about him anymore. I try to put it behind me and start over. It's hard, though, when you live in a small town and everyone knows what happened. The concerned looks and the pitiful words, "Everything is going to be ok, Ellie." "We miss you store, Ellie." "You know you have the support from the whole town if you were to reopen it again."

Don't get me wrong, I love how supportive and caring everyone are, but I just want to forget and move on.

When my Gramps called my dad and told him he had to do a hip surgery and needed help with his little grocery store, I was happy to help. Me living in Kansas and him in Texas, meant that I was going to have to move, but it felt good to go away and start fresh even if it was just for a while. I wasn't planning on moving there permanently, but I didn't know if I wanted to come back here either.

The recovery from Gramps hip surgery is going to take about three months, meaning Gramps won't be able to lift anything or do any big movements. Three months, maybe more, was too long to keep my apartment and paying the rent. I hadn't spent anything from the insurance money, but I wanted to save them for something more important.

My furniture and stuff that I didn't want to take with me, I could store at my parents house. They have a big house and a lot of spare room. I found a house to rent not far from the store in Texas. It's all furnished, so I only need to bring clothes and other necessities. Gramps lives in an apartment above the store with only one bedroom, so I can't stay with him, but I want some space of my own anyway.

It's my last day at the café and my boss said they were going to miss me and that I was welcome back when I got back here...if I ever did. I gave my keys to the landlord and drove to my parents house. They had invited Jenna and me to dinner to say goodbye before driving me to the airport.

"So, are you ever coming back?" Jenna asked while we ate.

We have known each other since preschool and she has been a great support through everything that's happened. Somethings I didn't want to worry my parents with. I told them I was doing better when I wasn't, but Jenna always saw right through me and I could talk to her about anything. She knew I wanted to get away from this town and start over even if we would miss each other.

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