Chapter 3

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"You can't tell what she's been through," Pete says when Ellie's left.

"I know. She's always been good at hiding her emotions, but I think being here with people that doesn't bring it up, helps. She seems genuinely happy. I'm just afraid how she will react to a specifically type of men in this town. They are straight forward and I don't know if they'll leave her alone even if she doesn't show any interest."

"I'm sure she can handle it, and if not, you and me can chase them off. You don't think she will come around and out of her shell a little?"

"I don't know. She's fine with you, me and the common customers, but I've seen her around men that shows any kind of interest. She's got no trust in men, no confidence and doesn't see the beauty that she is anymore after what that asswipe did to her."

"I will help you look after her," Pete says.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."


I walk to the café and say 'hi' to Amy.

"Hi, the usual?" she asks smiling.

"Yes, same as yesterday," I say smiling back.

While I'm waiting for her to make the coffee, the doorbell jingles. In walks two bikers that look at me from top to toe. They seem a few years younger than me, but I still don't like the way they look at me.

"Nice," one of them says, licking his lips while he keeps checking me out. I look away, starting to feel anxious.

Amy sees the way I'm reacting. "Hey, assholes! Leave her alone Stop scaring away my customers."

I excuse myself to the restroom, hoping they will leave before I have to go.

After 5 minutes and starting to calm down, there's a knock on the door. "Hey, are you ok?" Amy asks worried. "They are gone now."

"Yeah, sorry," I say opening the door, trying not to show how I feel.

"I know that look. You can talk to me you know. I'm a really good listener, have a PhD in psychology and have been through some bad shit myself."

I can't help but smile a little. "You have a PhD in psychology, but owns a café?"

"Yeah! Wasn't that fun after all, listening to people's problems all day, but for you I can," she says with a warm smile.

"Thanks, but I'm here trying to forget it all and not being looked at differently."

"And that works just fine?" she asks with a smile.

"Until now it did."

"Where are you staying?"

"I rent Millers house on Cedar street."

"Oh, that's just three houses down from mine. Stop by after work and we can have dinner together. You tell me about your shit and I tell you mine. I could use another friend," she says smiling. "Deal?"

I guess having a friend here wouldn't hurt. "Deal! I'm off at 4."

"Great! Come around 5 then."

I walk back to the store, smiling, but still a little bit worried about the bikers.

"What took you so long?" Gramps asks a little worried. "I was about to go out looking for you."

"Yeah, something happened, but Amy helped me and I think I made a new friend."

"Really!" he says surprised.

"Yeah, I got invited to Amy's house for dinner tonight."

"Well, that's great news. Amy is a sweet girl, but she's got claws when needed. She's just the kind of friend you need," he says winking. "So, do you wanna tell me what happened?"

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