-Chapter two- The day we met

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I had just packed my bags, as my aunt came through my bedroom door. If i was being nice, i would describe my aunt as a snob. She had the charastics of a 20 year old women, even though she was in her early 40s. I would call her a snob because shes, One- Rich Two-Drop dead gorgeous and Three- has the personality of a patatoe, exept towards me of course.

"are you ready hun?"

"No, not quite yet aunt Debra"

"Okay, I'll give you a minute."

as she walked out of my room, i just realized i had only packed my clothes. I didnt even put my Teddy Bear, forget i said that, in my bag. My mom had given me this teddy bear, when i was 3, 2 days before she died. She died on my birthday. She had given me the present early. Since she was a flight attendant, she'd be gone on my birthday.  September the 11th was my birthday, and she happened to be the attendant on the 2nd plane that crashed into the twin towers. I remember watching the news, and not understanding why my dad was cry----


"Yes Aunt Debra??"

"WE HAVE TO GO, or we'll miss our flight."

As we walked out of the place, my Aunt spit in disgust, at the 'hut' as she called my humble home. Ever since my mom had died my dad went boncors. He tried to commit suicide 8 times, and stuck me in a freezer for 2 hours. The police were called, and he went to the 'Looney Bin'. My moms sister, was the first to be called, and she came to my rescue emidiately.

"Are you sure you got everything?'

"That reminds me, i left my earbuds!"

'What are you waiting for, hurry along now."

i ran inside to grab my earbuds, when i heard a noise coming from the spare room. I slowly walked towards the room, pocket knife in hand, to investigate. I had heard the saying 'curiosity kills the cat' but what was worth living for anymore. I poked my head through the door, to see my dad, holding a puppy.

'I got him for you, but you must go now, they're after me''



"sorry", i whispered

"Now you'll be safe with your aunt, you're 16 now, i expect you to be a lady!"

"Yes dad, I love_______ I was interupted by my aunt

"Erika bring your slow a** on!"

""Bye dad i love you", i whispered as i hugged him fastly, grabbed the puppy, and ran, forgeting completely about the earrbuds.

"WHat is that!"

"A puppy!"

"I dont have time to debate, just get in the cab!"

I got my stuff in the trunk, and then jumped in the back, while my aunt sat in the front flirting with the bucck tooth driver.. i got my earbuds plugged into my phone and started listening to my 3  days grace, and 5soos. after an hour of driving BBAAAAMMMM.

i blacked out, and awoke to a muscular, Hawt, blueyed man standing over me.

"Mate" he mumbled "Mate are you okay?"

"Mate?" i questioned " youre handsome and all, but are we f***ing dogs or something?"

"What happened?"

"You and you aunt crashed."

"Where's , my aunt?"

"In the ambulance, the second one is coming for you."

"Will you ride with me" o_o face slaps. "I am so sorry i just____

he interupted my by saying "Anything for my beautiful mat"

Creepy... but i like it ^u^

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