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Jeremy's P.O.V

I knocked upon her sturdy oak door hoping for a reply.

"GO AWAY!", yelled the strained voice from within the room. this door was a giant obstacle between us.

The sadening tone denoting i wasn't any longer welcome here. I stumbled towards the entrance in which I had first come through, and paused hand on knob.

"I, I just want you to know i LOVE you!!", I screamed a little louder than hoping. "Goodby forever Erika"

I turned the knob to the left and stumbled into the coldness, tears steaming down my freezing cheeks. I had never felt this way towards some one befor, and i was not enjoying it. Why did I have to go and do that to her? My inside felt as cold as the atmosphere, since i was wandering through 4 foot of snow. I cant look back!! I just cant! I stutteredas i became nearer to my apartment. I just gotta keep waliking. people began  give me strange looks as if i was on crack. I mean i was talking to my self, wiping my snot away with my blue sleves. I hadn't cried like this since i was a child, and my siblings had taken my toy, or eaten my food. After what sempt like hours, i arrive at my apartment, and wipe my face, which makes it worse. I stand looking at the knob, as if my body forgot how to involtarily move. I try to think how to make my mucsles and bones move. I just wanna lay on my bed. My brain gets the best of me, as my memories flash infront of me. I fall backwards, hand on heart, off the 6 or 7 high steps.... I sharp pain bothers me from behind my right eye as i hold it i drift off into a dark place, and then everything brightens up. everything is nothing. There is no pain in this place, is has no feeling. Emotions were left in the pain of the real  world. I get up and am astonished to see nothing, and that little voice in my head that always annoys me isnt there. Then i drift back into realilty for a split second and the pain comes back. It does this several times until everything just turns off. Its like i dont exsist.

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