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I wake up to the sun peeking through the window and shining directly into my face, I groan as I stretch my deliciously sore body out. Slowly turning my head i notice that I'm completely alone in Roberts bed, where has he run off to? I throw my feet off of the bed, put on my bra and underwear, and one of Roberts shirts then head off to look for him.

I walk into the living room hearing Robert's voice barely, I smile in relief then hear another voice, a females voice. My heart stops suddenly bringing very unwelcoming thoughts to my head, is that a friend or worse? I walk further into the kitchen and see a woman with beautiful long black and curly hair, a very curvaceous frame, and dressed in a light blue sundress.

Jeez she is one pretty woman. I suddenly feel insecure, i turn around to find some type of pants or shorts to put on but i was interrupted by a deep voice that made my legs feel like jelly.

"Well good morning beautiful, going somewhere?" he said playfully, I turned around to an incredibly sexy smirk on his face and felt my face flush. I felt as if I couldn't speak i was so taken back by his handsome features.

"Umm, I was going to put on some shorts or something because I couldn't help but notice you have company." I tried to keep the jealousy out of my voice, but miserably failed. Robert smiled at me in amusement clearly noticing my insecure act. My face heated up dramatically at him smiling, he reached his hand up and gently stroked my cheek before bring me in for a soft kiss.

"Isabelle I would like you to meet my sister, Victoria Marquez. Victoria this is Isabelle Estrada, my girlfriend." he said very happily.

Girlfriend!? My face flushed completely crimson at what he chose to call me. I reached out my hand to shake hers shyly, clearly embarrassed that I thought that Robert and her had something going on. She smiled sweetly and pulled me into a hug taking me by surprise, I looked up at Robert and he had shrugged his shoulders smirking.

"It is such a pleasure to meet the woman that finally snatched up my little brother." she said giggling as she finally released me from her hug. Robert gave her a look of annoyance and she punched him in the arm playfully.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well Victoria, I apologize if I acted somewhat rude towards you I had no idea you guys were related." I shyly apologized. Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement as she laughed.

"Don't even worry about it sweetie, I would have been suspicious too if I saw my man talking to some woman!" she said giving me a wink. I smiled back thanking that she was so understanding.

"Well if that will be all sis, i shall escorte you to the door" Robert said smiling at her. We all said our goodbyes, and then Robert and I were alone. Robert turned around looking my body up and down making me squirm under his gaze. His eyes turned lustfully dark making my whole body respond in a delicous shiver, I bit my lip to stifle a moan. Robert started to walk towards me slowly, shirtless, every muscle moving along with him.

"Hungry?" he whispered as he was finally close to me, our bodies touching setting mine on fire. I looked up nodding slowly, I hadn't realized my mouth had gone dry. "Good because i thought we could eat and then talk about the contract." I was suddenly turned off at the look of his serious face.

"Umm, ok." I squeaked, Robert took my hand leading me into the kitchen where he had made omlets, and some bacon and oj on the side. Could this man be anymore perfect? I thought to myself as he pulled out my seat insisting that I sit.

We sat in a comforting silence while we ate the simply delicious breakfast, we would peak up at each other time to time smiling. Finally we were both done, I got up taking both mine and his dishes. He chuckled taking me by surprise, I turned around to look at him with red stained cheeks. I crossed my arms attempting to give an attitude.

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