Chaper 2: Robert

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Hey guys! :) I'm so excited to write this next part. Here we go ^.^

I got to the office with 5 minutes to spare, it was strange for some reason I couldn't get Robert out of my head. He is amazingly good looking and sexy, but I just broke up with Trey so isn't that wrong?

"About time slow poke," Shirley said breaking me of my thought, "what took you so long?" I smiled back. Shirley was a very beautiful woman, long black curly hair and olive skin and a white smile. She's my best friend.

"Sorry, traffic was holding up everyone." I said with a half smile.

"I'm sorry about you and Trey, I really thought you guys were gonna last." She gave me a hug to comfort me. "Hey! Why don't you come to the club with me tonight, it will be fun!"

"I don't think I'm really up for it Shirley, besides I have work to do at home." She looked at me with a serious face.

"Oh c'mon Belle, one night out wouldn't hurt you!" She shoved me playfully. "Please, for me?" She made a pouty face and I smiled.

"Fine, but just this one night ok?" She laughed and squealed a little.

When I got home from work I got out all my make-up and an outfit tonight. I didn't exactly know what to expect of this club, Shirley told me it was no ordinary club. I pulled my bun out and released my long light brown hair, I took off my work clothes and put on my white dress that stopped a little bit passed my mid thigh. It was snugged around my wide hips and made my body look good.

Knock knock

"I'm coming, just a minute!" I slipped on my slippers and went to the door. I opened my door to Trey, who was staring at me and my outfit.

"You look great, going somewhere tonight?" He smiled but it quickly went away. I didn't know what to say.

"Umm, yeah to a club with Shirley. What are you doing here?" I said nervously.

"Just came to drop off your stuff so that you wouldn't have to go through the trouble of doing it yourself." He said quickly.

"Oh, well thank you Trey," I bit my lip holding back tears, "just bring it in and put it on the couch."

He brought all my stuff and left immediately. I was speechless and upset, but I didn't want to ruin tonight. I pushed the thought away and finished getting ready.

Knock knock

I put on my heels and opened the door hoping it wouldn't be Trey again.

"You ready!?" Shirley said excited. She looked good tonight, she was wearing a pretty blouse with a skirt the stopped mid thigh and some heels.

"Yeah I am." I smiled, tonight I wasn't gonna think about Trey and just have fun with my best friend. We got into the car and started driving. I hope tonight goes well.

Hey guys! I know that the story is still boring, I'm working on getting to the good part :) I'll upload as soon as I can promise, night!

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