New Cover, Banner and Text Manip | Random

156 26 16

26. 01. 2020

N E W   C O V E R ,  B A N N E R   A N D   T E X T   M A N I P
random on a whole new level

Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday, your lovely alien decided to ignore the fact that she just has one more study break before her last exam (which is unfortunately math) and chilled with her handsome Photoshop for almost the whole day. Blame her parents who hid her laptop for three days smh - young love should be encouraged.

But no, her parents cant stop her from getting her lazy bum out of the bed to grab her laptop and work until photoshop finishes crashing for the third freaking time. Nonetheless, this adventurous alien survived those crashes without banging her head on her wall in annoyance and hence, a new cover, banner and text manip were produced. 

Not gonna lie but this is my first time with such heavy text manip. Like, I'm bad at typography but this time, I feel like I've improved a bit.

You guys can check out the cover in the banner like thingy above while the rest of the things are posted below.

Thats the banner for this new look of the book yee

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Thats the banner for this new look of the book yee. Looks weird? Hell yess

Next up is the text manip, which was actually the first thing I made lmao but then decided to create a cover and banner version cuz why not? xD

Next up is the text manip, which was actually the first thing I made lmao but then decided to create a cover and banner version cuz why not? xD

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You guys can consider this as an "AlienXPride Merch" print and can pay for it in redbubble soon. But damn, i'mma actually print this and keep it lmao. I'm just so proud of my improvement T-T

But would u guys be interested in such prints?

Dont forget that screenshotting can lead to harzardous consequences including "mysteriously" falling into a shark pit. 

P.S: look out for some new and better model based prints ;))

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