Frequently Asked Questions

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F A Q 
Idk why I'm even doing this

This chapter is solely dedicated to answering some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any questions which you think deserves to be posted here, you can ask them in the comment section below.

Q:  What's your name?
A: I like to be called Alien.

Q: How old are you?
A: Immortal.

Q: What software or app do you use?
A: Photoshop CC and Lightroom

Q:  When did you start designing?
A: I started as a mobile designer back in March 1st, 2020, but ended up with photoshop since first part of July, 2020. 

Q: Do you take free requests?
A: Currently no. I sometimes do though, yes, but even they have some payment requirements. 

Q: What type of graphics do you usually prefer?
A: I don't exactly have a preference since I like exploring and experimenting as much as I can. 

A: Lemme just bring my AK brb.

Q: Do you listen to music to motivate you while making your graphics?
A: Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Q: Is it true that you work with an extremely small broken acer-switch laptop, like literally broken, as in broken with a huge crack on the whole damn screen?
A: I used to, since recently I've been using the computer instead of the laptop.

Q: Do you do commissions and paperbacks?
A: Sure do.

Q: You didn't accept the free request I made in your cover shop and you never even gave me a reason for it.
A: I can refuse to make your graphic and I'm not obligated to tell you why so. However, the general reasons are usually lack of inspiration or motivation, less free time, or I'm just not interested. My ongoing situation in real life might also be one of the reasons, but again, I'm not obligated to tell you.

Q: How much do you take for a commission?
A: I like to discuss the pricing through mail or instagram. 

Q: You didn't accept the graphic I ordered for my third book but you already made the ones for my first and second book. Why?
A: The free requests usually last upto a sequel, if you want a cover for a trilogy or your third book, it gotta be a commission.

Q: What's the greatest achievement you received with your graphics in wattpad?
A: I've recognition from a national graphic contest where I bagged the third position, I did an internship last year in graphic design, I've been acknowledged in several international design contests and here, I won the Graphic Wattys in my first attempt. Apart from that, I also got to meet some splendid other designers through online platforms and worked with some amazing authors!

Q: Where did you learn designing?
A: I'm self taught.

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