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title suggestion ; deceiving looks

envision; a young lost teen in a foster home because her mother killed a baby she was babysitting on accident and made her take the fall. The baby was a white child named lilly. She is now pregnant and worried she would be a horrible mother. Her foster mother is a drunk and treats her different than her son. Her mother comes to visit her every Sunday and reminds her of how horrible a mother she will be. Everyone sees her as an innocent lost girl but her mother sees different. She constantly tries to make her mother seem bad and crazy because she knows she is just the same. Although everyone feels sorry for her because of the innocent act she puts on , her mother sees otherwise because she knows about deceiving looks. In the end she has her baby and receives a visit from lilly's mother. Lilly's mother tells her she forgives her because she knows she didn't do it.

but there's a plot twist , she did kill Lilly because she was jealous that lilly had a caring loving mother and she didn't. She got away with it because she was only 8 and seemed sweet and caring and the system saw her as no threat. they were wrong though because looks can be deceiving. she reveals how crazy she is when she offers her baby to lilly's mother in return for her to love her like how her mom should have. The book can end with lilly calling the police on her without her knowing and then she holds her like a baby because thats all she ever wanted ,to be held and loved.

idk idk i think it is different of course there needs to be some fixes and tweaks 🤷🏽‍♀️

prettyboujiebihh 🎀

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