Finally - Nessian NSFW

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Nesta sighed happily and pulled her blanket tighter around herself, gods, Illyrian winters were cold, but the fire roaring at her feet was doing its job of keeping the house warm. She stared into the flames for a few moments, the popping sounds no longer frightening her, she could still remember everything that had happened, but she had found ways to control it, to ensure it didn't take over her life again. The log crumbled into ashes and she grumbled, placing her book to the side to replace it, she grabbed the closest jacket to wrap around her shoulders, hardly noticing Cassian's scent all over it as she replaced the log on the fire.

She didn't notice the door opening as she gently blew on the flames, coaxing them to catch properly, adding a few smaller pieces to keep it going. She grinned as flames started to lick up the side of the wood, and subconsciously pulled Cassian's jacket closer around her until warmth began to radiate outwards. She stayed there for a few more moments, watching the flames dance, and summoning a tiny piece of magic, it should have been flame, but it was like liquid silver. The flames dancing along her palm were not orange and red as the wood burned, but flames of burning silver. She willed them to mimic the pattern of the fire in front of her, furrowing her brows in concentration. She didn't notice the door silently close behind her, didn't notice someone stepping inside.


Cassian grinned as he stepped inside, seeing Nesta so calm, so peaceful, silver flames dancing along her palm, completely under her control. It calmed his adrenaline from training to see her so serene, so relaxed, she had even changed out of her leathers today, replacing them with a pair of leggings, and big fluffy socks that went almost to her knees. Some part of him leapt for joy at the sight of her in his jacket, his scent all over her, and he leaned against the kitchen island for a moment, letting her practice without worrying that he was watching. Her training was coming along beautifully, even more so now that she had let him in, allowed him to help her heal, properly this time. He'd missed her today, even though they'd trained together this morning, with Devlon and the other camp lords coming, they'd agreed that it was best to avoid provoking them with her presence. He'd missed seeing her tear into Windhaven's cocky males, seeing her destroy them without even breaking a sweat, Cauldron, he wanted to make her sweat tonight.

He silently pulled his weapons away, and his outer layers, leaving just a light shirt, and his pants, but if he had his way, they'd be gone soon as well. Nesta sat back on her heels, and allowed her silver flames to rise off her palm a little, practicing the exercises that Cassian had suggested, taking the magic away from her, and closer again. He must have made some sort of noise because she froze, and turned around, glaring at him,

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to see that your power's coming along nicely." She furrowed her brows, but sighed and pushed herself to her feet, crossing the floor to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck,

"I missed you today," she whispered, and he squeezed her waist, just holding her against him.

"Yeah, I know, me too, but I can't get rid of them yet, just another couple of days, sweetheart, I promise."

"Then I can actually come outside, to train and stuff? I'm going to be so unfit if you don't get rid of them soon."

"Oh, I don't know, I can think of other ways for you to exercise." She grinned, and looked up at him,

"Is that right?" She chuckled as he picked her up, and wrapped her legs around his waist, "I think you might have to show me," she whispered, and kissed his neck, tugging lightly on his ear, and grinning at his groan. She kissed her way along his jaw and back to his ear as he walked, as fast as possible without running, to their bedroom. He twisted his head as she moved this time, and caught her lips with his own, almost moaning again as she opened for him at the first brush of his tongue. She melted into him as he kissed her, going almost limp in his arms, just about holding on to him as he carried her through to the bed. 

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