Snowball Fight - Gwynriel

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Gwyn snorted with laughter at Cassian's shout of outrage when a snowball hit him straight in the face. She ducked down behind the wall or hard snow she'd built up earlier, waiting for Azriel to draw attention away. She crawled back to the middle of their snow fort, rolling a new load of snowballs, and left a pile waiting for Azriel to keep Cassian and Nesta's attention on him. Rhys and Feyre were too distracted trying to take advantage of Cassian's distraction to notice when she slipped away, climbing a tree to get a better vantage point.

Azriel still had plenty of ammunition, never popping up long enough for anyone to hit him, but just enough to pelt Cassian with a couple of snowballs before hiding again. Feyre was busy making snowballs, occasionally standing up to throw one, usually right after Rhys took one to the face, but she seemed more than happy to let him take the hits. Still, she was exchanging snowballs with Nesta quite regularly, and squawked in outrage when a snowball exploded on her shoulder, sending snow flying everywhere. Gwyn stifled a giggle at the snowball exploding on the side of Rhys' head when he turned to see what had happened. Cassian laughed, but then cursed when Azriel's snowball hit him in the back of the head. Gwyn silently moved across to the next tree, chuckling to herself when Nesta retaliated, sending Azriel diving for cover under the barrage of snow.

She glanced around the trees, there, just a few trees away, she should be sheltered enough to be hidden if anyone looked up, which the probably wouldn't, not with Azriel drawing attention. She leaped across the gap, holding her breath for a moment when her foot slipped, sending snow falling, but no-one seemed to notice. She waved a hand at Azriel, still hiding behind cover, but she hadn't missed the shadow that had crept up to check on her after she'd slipped. She pointed back at Feyre, moving across in her snow fort to try and attack from another angle. He raised an eyebrow but did pivot to dodge her attack, sending snowballs after her in quick succession until she squealed, running back to cover, shaking snow out of her hair and using Rhys as a living shield to focus her attacks back on Cassian and Nesta.

Gwyn lost sight of Nesta as she counted the snowballs Azriel had planted up the tree earlier, hiding them in a hollow in the tree, and another on the other side, lower down, she'd use those as a last resort.

"How's it feel to be losing again, Cass?" Gwyn picked up her first snowball, waiting for Azriel's signal that he was ready,

"Losing? We're not losing, even with you lot all targeting us," Cassian probably would have kept talking if he hadn't had to duck a snowball. Rhys whispered something to Feyre where they were hiding behind their snow fort, and she giggled, nodding. Gwyn kept her focus on them as Rhys rolled several snowballs together, and Feyre held a hand out, melding them all into one giant snowball. She giggled again as it lifted on its own, hurling over and almost knocking Cassian over as it slammed into him. He yelped as he stumbled, and Gwyn reached out a hand for the shadow that was still following her,

"Tell Az that Feyre and Rhys are cheating," she whispered, meeting Azriel's eyes a moment later, he nodded, and she tossed her snowball in her hand, waiting for her chance. Azriel stood up, exposing himself and everyone's attention snapped towards him, giving her a chance to throw a snowball, right so that it exploded, snow slipping down the back of Cassian's neck, leaving him too distracted to shield Nesta from the same treatment as he tried to get the snow out. Gwyn didn't need to maintain her attack, with Rhys and Feyre pressing their advantage and pelting them both with snowballs until Nesta sneezed and Cassian held up a hand to stop the assault.

"Are you cold?" Nesta shook her head, but even Gwyn could see that she was shivering through her thick coat over her leathers, "Okay, we're out," Cassian announced, "Inside, c'mon, warm,"

"No, I wanna win," Nesta complained, "You go if you're cold,"

"Nes, you're shivering, and you're ice-cold," she stared him down, and he sighed, sweeping her up, one arm under her knees, the other around her back. Cassian ignored her complaints as he carried her into the cabin,

"Put me down!" She squealed, "I want to win! Put me down, you brute!" Cassian ignored her, just kissing her cheek, and she stopped wriggling, realizing that she couldn't get out of his hold, finally letting him carry her inside.

Once Cassian and Nesta were back inside, the fight was back on, Azriel kept Rhys' head down with a constant stream of snowballs, and Gwyn kept targeting Feyre where he was replenishing their supply of snowballs. She yelped when a bit of snow got into her coat,

"I thought they were on your side!" She complained, "Are they both there?"

"Az is, I can't see Gwyn, but she must be hiding,"

"She's attacking me from somewhere, I can't see her," Gwyn grinned, and aimed a snowball for Rhys' face when he turned around to look, but he did then look up, grinning when he saw her. She kept her eyes on the snowball he was tossing up and down, and glanced along the branch, there was snow all along it. She settled into a fork in the wood, and kicked the branch, hard. Nothing, she tried again, and giggled in delight when a load of snow fell out of the tree, right onto Rhys' head, and she followed up with the rest of her snowballs, signalling for Azriel to do the same until he held up a hand,

"Okay!" He yelped, glaring at Azriel when he couldn't resist one more snowball, striking his brother right on the backside, "We give up,"

"Rhys!" Feyre complained, but Rhys just shrugged,

"They weren't bullying you, darling, I'll make it up to you later," Feyre leaned towards him to say something, throwing her arms around his neck,

"You're cold," she observed, "No," she yelped when he tossed his remaining snowball at her, "Get away! No, no, Rhys!" She squealed when he chased her down, tackling her into a snowdrift, leaving her shaking snow out of her hair, "Prick," she hissed, shoving him aside to make her own way inside, but didn't complain when he wrapped an arm around her.

Gwyn dropped out of the tree and bounced over to where Azriel was emerging from their snow fort, giggling with glee,

"We won!" She leaped into his arms, laughing when he couldn't help but laugh at her excitement, kissing the sound away when she giggled again.

"My devious little Valkyrie," he murmured, and Gwyn wriggled out of his arms,

"Little!" It didn't matter that he was almost a foot taller than her, she raised herself onto her tiptoes, and smashed her last snowball in his face, running away afterwards, rolling forwards to avoid his counter-attack. She sprinted for the safety of the cabin, but he reached her just as she opened the door, an arm around her waist, pulling her back out and flipping her over in the snow.

"I win."

"What gave you that impression? Perhaps this was my plan all along,"

"To get pinned?"

"To get underneath my husband," she whispered, just loud enough for Azriel to hear and no-one else, but he snorted with laughter, and she took his moment of distraction to surge upwards, grabbing both of wrists and pinning him to the floor as she sat down onto his hips, "Now who wins?" She demanded, dancing away before he could push her off, grinning over her shoulder as she darted inside, "I'm safe!" she yelped when he chased after her, throwing her over one shoulder, "Az!" She squealed, "You're cheating!" She yelped and grabbed onto him when he spun round in a circle, fat enough that she squeezed her eyes shut, ignoring the laughs from the rest of their family until he finally put her down. "Asshole!" She hissed, but held on to his arm as the room kept sway until she'd cleared her head, "That's it, I'm moving in with Nesta, you're demoted," she giggled when Azriel feigned horror, and kissed him quickly again, "Maybe you're forgiven,"


"Maybe if you go and get a warm bath ready," she laughed as Azriel's shadows immediately skittered off, and sank onto the couch beside Nesta, "Are you alright?" Nesta held up her mug of cocoa as a response,

"We'll get you next year," she promised.

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