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Dang, I'm writing one-shots like never before. Probably cuz most of the ideas I have are one-shots. Anyway. I thought of this one yesterday while I was driving in my city. I thought It'd be a nice combination of fluff with a bittersweet ending.


Don't worry about me right now though, its 6 pm where I'm at so I should be able to get some sleep.


Today was not a good day for one Uzumaki Naruto.

Well, it's not like there ever really is a good day for him. But there are some that are better than others.

Anyway, today was not a good day.

Why? Because, for some odd reason, all the insults and jabs, all the glares and whispers, all the pushing and shoving, all of them dug into his mind far worse than any other time.

His ocean blue eyes stung every time they said something mean about him, hot with unshed tears.

His anger rose dramatically each time they roughly moved him out of their way and his jaw clenched harder whenever they hid their children behind their towering adult figures.

'Don't ever talk to that boy, he's nothing but trouble.' They would tell their offspring.

'He's a monster, don't even look at him.' Kids his age would murmur amongst themselves as if he can't hear them, but he could. Naruto could hear every single word they said about him.

At some point it got too much for the 4 year old, and he ran however far his little legs could take him. Just to escape the emotional torment.

And that's how he ended up here. Alone, sitting on top of a tall hill that over looked the forest. It was a beautiful view, and the sight of the golden rays that was the evening sun painting everything Orange was nearly breathtaking.

"I think I just found my new favorite spot." The young boy thought to himself, smiling softly.

However, despite his contentment at the view he found, he couldn't help bur wonder why people hated him so much.

It wasn't a question he didn't ask often. In fact, he asked himself why almost everyday.

But no matter how hard he thought, he still couldn't find an answer. And at that realization, he couldn't help but shed a few tears.

Naruto hasn't expected anyone to see him crying, and even if they did, he didn't expect them to do anything about it. But he would soon be proved wrong by a kind, gentle soul.

"Hey kid! Are you ok?" A voice asked from a little distance away. It was higher pitched. A female, but lower than a little girl. A teenager maybe?

Naruto's head whipped around to where the voice echoed from.

"Woah there buddy, I'm not here to hurt ya. I just heard you crying and wondered if you were alright." The girl explained.

She was really pretty to the young boy.

The girl looked to be around 13 or 14 years old with milk chocolate skin that shined in the golden hour sun. Her loose curly hair brushed a little past her shoulders as she walked up the hill toward him, and her dark chocolate brown eyes shined with worry for the toddler.

"Kid? You good?" The teen asked, crouching down to him on his left side.

Naruto nodded shyly, still wary. And it was only then did he notice that she was a bit on the heavier side, not that it mattered, it didn't take away from her beauty. But it wasn't really too noticeable with the baggy dark green hoodie and loose black pants she was wearing.

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