eilish meets martinez

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melanies ♡︎ pov

i was getting ready for school waiting for my best friend ariana to pick me up, i was new to the school but not the town. ari and i went to differnt school's our whole lifes but stayed very close friends. i got ready and put on a cute outfit.

i continued to get ready and eat breakfeast, i am very nervous for today

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i continued to get ready and eat breakfeast, i am very nervous for today. i know this school is very different than my old one but my parents felt as though i didn't have friends so they transferred me to arianas school so that i would be "happy". i looked down at my phone to see i received a message from ariana.

      hey mels i'm outside ☻︎
       kk, i'm coming outside right now
i ran outside and hopped in her car. "hello babes, i missed you so much!" ari said. "i missed you too" i said. "you ok mel?" she said as she pulled out of my driveway. "yeah i'm fine" i smiled at her warmly. even though i am not fine i am VERY nervous. i knew ari had a whole friend group at my new school, and i was scared to meet them. she said that they are treated pretty well and this girl named billie was the is well liked. she had a huge reputation at their school and she wanted no one to fuck that up. apparently she dropped people left and right to keep herself in check. ari said she was intimidating but she won't hurt me, ari says i'm too shy and billie leaves introverted people alone. ari handed me the aux cord and i played one of my favorite playlists and "distraction" by kehlani started to play.

                  *time skip at school*

we arivived at the school and ari parked next to a matte black dodge challender. a very pretty  girl got out with 2 boys that looked like twins and a red head girl. then another car pulled up and two guys got out one with tattoos and one with hair like mine. they all greeted eachother and i just stood there and waited. im not very social at all so i wasnt talking. then ari said "oh guys this is my best friend melanie she just moved here" they all said hello very nicley except the girl with blue hair. i knew all of there names now execpet her's. We have isaac and elijah the twins. que, jaseh and daniele. then she spoke up and finally said with a tired look on her face and said hey i'm billie. she said super shyly. i smiled and waved. then isaac grabbed my arm and said I'll show you around, i agreed and followed them into the school, then a teacher pulled me aside and said "billie eilish will show you around she has all the same classes as you so me and the school board chose her to show you around, billie please take melanie to your first class" isaac let go of my arm and billie told me to follow her and we went to out biology class.  we walked in and the teacher stood up and said, "class this is melanie, please say hello to her she is new" they all said hello and i took a seat next to billie at the back of the room.
                     time skip lunch

  we walked into the lunch room, and billie guided me to their table. i sat down and billie sat right next to dani and they all just looked at me. que finally broke the silence and asked if they could get to know me better. so that's what we did. i answered there's simple questions until i realized that it was almost time to leave the lunch room so i got up to throw my trash away. as i walked past a table of boys they whistled at me and said gross things i became very uncomfortable and i guess jaseh heard them because he stood up and walked over there. telling them how "that's not how to treat a women", and "i'm brand new and deserves good experience and their nasty thoughts need to stay in their heads". a few tears slipped out as i heard him defend me me. i was brand new and already causing problems. my anxiety was through the roof and my head was spinning and body started shaking. billie noticed and said "can i hold your hand?". i blushed and said sure and i calmed down a lot. we walked out to the door to the field and everyone was asking is if i was okay. i told them yes and it just shook me up a bit. billie was still holding my hand. i've never felt like this before. she makes me feel, wanted.

                   time skip after school

"we're having a sleepover this weekend would you like to come?" billie said looking hopeful. i said i would love to go. ari overheard and got excited that i was coming, she said the we need pack on facetime and shit. i was super excited to get home and prepare, i was about to have the weekend of my life. i actually became pretty good friends or with this whole friend group throughout the week. pretty impressive for me because i'm not a social person at all, the fact that i got through the week is a relief, i get to hang out with all these nice people. since i was going to dani's house house this weekend because apparently her parents are on a business trip or something so she was not worried about us all staying over. i said goodbye to the group and got into ari's car, exited for tomorrow. excited to hang out with them this weekend.
a/n  luv u ❣︎

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