Run Bitch😌✌️

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TW: gore, school shooting, etc.

She was my old girlfriend Hanzou. She was now in the girls bathroom threatening me with a katana. "You probably can't see for shit here!" I scoffed "Not funny, Asshole." She laughed maniacally. "I swear I didn't cheat on you." I grabbed her by her collar and held her near my hot, shaky breath. "That's not what I fucking cared about, Hanzou," She dimmed the lights in the girls bathroom "Well, get ready for something different." She smirked.

As she ran towards me, I jumped up and grabbed her into a headlock. I now realized I had a tazor in my pocket, and a knife in my book bag for protection. I took out my taser and went for her weak spot. She started bleeding, while crying for me not to leave. "That's what I said. So why would I listen now?"

I walk out of the bath room and tried to find Pico. Where is that Ed Sheeran son of a bitch? I ran down and up the halls looking for Pico. Suddenly I saw him standing outside the second classroom with blood all over his face.

"Hey, you got something on your face" He stays stern. "You do too bitch." He stated. "I wasn't try-" He sighs, interrupting me. "Okay? I'm not in the best mood. I'll find is a way out of here I promise, just don't bug me okay?" I stop in my tracks. "Okay. Fine." I turn around and head to the classroom of where we were. Man, this truly is a shitty school. I sit and wait until Pico gives me the ok.

A girl was running up the halls to my classroom. "You're the new kid, right?" She was wearing heels and a dress. "You're seriously wearing that during a school shooting?" She looks at me. "It was picture day, now let's get out of here." I stop her. "I have to wait on my friend Pico!" She laughs. "That man is cruel. It's better if you go with me." I look at her, confused. "Why me?" "Do you see anyone else here?" "I'm y/n, what about you?" She giggles. "I'm girlfriend. Nice to meet you!"

We run as fast as we could down the halls. There were dead bodies everywhere. I stopped at a certain body laying lifeless on the ground. It was Nene. "Nene? Cmon wake up! Nene? Cmon! Please don't go!" I cried at her body and saw gf staring at me. "i-im sorry!" She hugs me. "its gonna be okay, y/n" We quickly exit the building, waiting on a car out in front.

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