Humanity's Comeback Part. 1

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The rain poured down heavily, various green cape-clad figures running through the muck and mud, weighed down by heavy packs. Shadis watched intently, watching for any signs of slowing down or weakness as he rode upon a horse.  The majority of the cadets managed to keep up, a few stragglers here and there but the majority of these cadets had been training for the past two years now. Though he was curious about one in particular.

???: Ow ow ow come on lemme go!

Shadis directed his attention to two cadets, on jogging along as their hood was lifted and pulled forward, the other taller figure tugging her along with their right hand as they handled their pack with only their left.

???: I'm not gonna let you slip behind alright? If you drop out now I'll kick your ass.

The smaller cadet was let go as he and the other cadet began pushing forward to the head of the pack. Shadis made a mental note about what he just witnessed before barking orders at Cadet Arlet who had dragged behind.

Training in the forest took course next, with the various cadets taking their learned ODM skills and attempting to take down dummy titans set up through the trees. Once more Shadis watched the cadets, running over everything he knew about the special ones he had seen over the past years. Meanwhile, two cadets raced forward to try and take another strike at the upcoming dummy.

???: Hahaha this one's mine!

???: No way! you're not beating me this time!

As the two approached the titan they were to see the burlap sack that acted as the nape of the dummy titan had been sliced nearly in two.

???: Did you two really just lose to me? That's kinda sad...

The smaller of the two chuckled as he used his ODM gear to rappel up to a tree branch from which the voice originated from. 

???: You just so happened to be faster than us, you got lucky (Y/n).

The other figure joined them, elbowing the taller figure in the side.

???: Yeah you're pretty good yourself (Y/n).

The taller figure chuckled softly as he leaned back on the trunk of the tree. He lifted his hand and ruffled the hair of the newly arrived member much to her dismay. 

(Y/n): Let's just move on to the next figure before Shadis pops a vein and the steam burns us from over here.

You joked with the two, hearing an encouraging snicker from the two before adjusting the gear on your hips. you made sure everything was snuggly clipped into place before slowly falling off the branch, letting your fingers slip into the handgrips before clasping hard, the action causing your grappling hooks to shoot into two nearby trees. You straightened your forward and threw your hips forward, using the momentum to continue your journey to the next target. The other two cadets leaped forward, one ready to claim some more glory while the other simply wanted to eat, ready to continue with training. It was then that Shadis came to a particular cadet in his brain.

Shadis: (L/n)... when he got here the kid looked like hammered pig shit, pale and sickly. But throw him in a bunk with some others and give him something to look forward to and he fights like an injured beast. With some life behind those eyes, he still lags behind in most areas compared to other students but does seem to find a mild interest in the ODM gear and his flexibility and leg muscles make him quite versatile for MP or garrison duty. 

You sneezed softly as seemingly someone was talking about you, though that slight distraction was all that it took for you to lose focus of the tree you were barreling toward. You took a deep breath and calmed your nerves as you twisted your body to the left, barely scrapping by the trunk of the tree before your right grappling hook fired out into a tree branch, yanking your body right as you rebalanced yourself and swung through, firing into another branch and so on to move forward.

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