{C07: Else}

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"And there you go."

I handed the black phone over to Yeonjun as soon as I typed in and saved my number. I figured calling is easier than making up a lame excuse that will end up haunting me for days, so yeah. I'd rather have a phone call fan my anxiety over a handkerchief, thank you very much.

"Call me only when it's necessary." I compromised.

His eyes were nearly sparkling, staring at his phone. That smile was way too victorious for someone receiving a cellphone number.

We're currently at the second floor of the huge library, stationed at one of the tables that had a whole view of the place. We've been here for almost an hour now, scanning books and drinking coffee and eating pastries. People down below looked so much like ants, so out of reach, none noticing a celebrity among their space.

Yeonjun finally pocketed his phone, leaning on our table. He raised an eyebrow. "Don't you want my number?"

I rolled my eyes, stifling a laugh. "I'm pretty sure I have no reason nor no plan to call you."

He placed a hand on his chest, dramatizing a shot through the heart. I only supressed a laugh as he tips his torso back, moving his beanie out of place. I gestured to his head. "So, the hair color. New music video?"

He eyes me with distaste, then sighs in defeat. He slumps on to the table. "You're really not a fan, are you? We already dropped a teaser!"

"I didn't know." I shrugged, arguing.

"You should really listen to it once it's out. Or else."

"Or else what—?"

Yeonjun cuts me mid-sentence when he got up and stretched his arms out towards me, chair squeaking loudly as he did. I swore the chatters silenced as soon as the loud screech of metal pierces the room. I flinched, my heart racing at the sudden physical contact.

A palm behind my nape, he pushes my at head until my nose touches his shoulder. I try to ignore his cologne, but the scent overthrows my sanity. We were so close. Still dazed, I whispered. "I-Is this the consequence?"

He kept me still, making my resistance worthless. "Grab your bag."

Then, from the corner of my eye, I see it. Two girls just about my age— and as the view sinks in, my eyes widen in response. Both had their cellphones out and raised to Yeonjun's direction. My direction.Well, shit. The noise from Yeonjun's chair gathered a few onlookers as well.

"On three we run?" I insinuated, grip tightening around my bag.

He simply nods before whispering. "Three."

I just don't understand why I'm always worn from running every time I'm with this guy. We pass a street light and another, and another, as we sprint through the alley. The girls are nowhere to be found as I looked back, and that made my heart rest easy. Almost.

I slumped at a metal bench by an empty park, catching my breath, and Yeonjun follows. I glare at him.

That's exactly what I was afraid of. And I didn't even notice.

If Yeonjun hadn't blocked me, they'd have my picture again and my face will be all over Twitter again. Ugh! If I hadn't come along with Yeonjun— but then, it's not like I chose to be with him at the first place!

This sweaty, panting, and deliriously smiling guy persuaded me good.

"And that," I spoke in between deep breaths. "Is why you will never get a call from me. Ever."

With adrenaline rushing in my head and messing up my system, I couldn't help but smile. Until that smile turns into a laugh. I must be going crazy. "Please let's not make this a hobby."

"Why not?" He laughs along, sprawling beside me. I instinctively looked around for passersby, but fortunately, no one was around. It's not exactly easy to forget you're with a celebrity. "It's free cardio."

"Right. And how are we going to get back to your car?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. "How are you going to get me home?"

"You could stay over at my place again— Ouch!"

"I'm serious."

"You think I was joking— Ouch!" He grabs me by the wrist, distancing my hand from his head. "You really need to stop pulling my hair, I just got it bleached."

I laugh, tugging my arm back, but Yeonjun won't let go. It's not like his grip hurt, but our position was really awkward. This made me send an irritated glare towards him, but he only looks at me unbothered.

He slowly puts my wrist down beside me— no, not beside me. Behind me was the right term. He lays his hand on my backside, my wrist serving a barrier between his palm and my hip. He pushes me towards him, and I let out a yelp.

He flashes a playful smile, a contradiction to my annoyed look. I rolled my eyes, but I didn't move an inch. "Enjoying this aren't you?"

Yeonjun's eyes scanned across my face. From the irises of my eyes, to the structure of my cheekbones— to my lips. The corners of his tipped up to a small smile. "I wonder what will happen if I..."

I meant it as a threat. "Don't you dare." But it came out as a tiny whisper.

He tilts his head, as if taking my words into consideration. For a moment, I was scared of what will happen next. Was I? Maybe I was curious, excited, or any other word meaning that my heartbeat was the only thing I could hear in my ears and it made my mind blank. I wanted to close my eyes, but I wanted to see what he will do.

Instead, he breathes out a chuckle, dropping my hand and retrieving the phone from the back pocket of my pants.

He swipes left, activating the camera. "Let's take a picture."


He raises his left arm slightly, so the two of us can fit in the screen. He smiles, seeing our figures together. "A lot of girls would kill to be in your place right now."

"And that's why I don't like it." I rolled my eyes before flashing a smile. On cue, he clicked, but only once. The moment the photo was saved in the gallery, he handed my phone back. I had no complaints. I tucked it back into my pocket and somehow that fascinated him.

He stifles a laugh. "You're really not like most girls."

"Are you calling me weird?"

"I'm calling you mine."

"You can't own a person." I shake my head. Then, I stand up. "Let's go back to the parking lot. The cold is getting into your head."

He stretches his legs first, before getting up to his feet. "Oh, yeah. Send the photo to me later. Or else."

I blink. This guy is unbelievable. I cross my arms, walking a few steps ahead to face him. "Just how long are you going to keep blackmailing me?"

"Forever." His eyes form into crescents.

I stop in my tracks, letting him pass me by. Then, he continues. "That way there will always be a next time."

𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now