His name is kyo n he's a cat too????

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"Ah well umm" you dont know what to do becayse tge boy is standing right in front of you with one of his arms on the wall behind you n the other pointing at your face.
"See you gotta think of these things!"
the boy says this as he begings to get out of your face,he looks worried for you like hes been in your sate befor.
to change the subject you ask him "So whats your name huh?"
"What?" the boy looks confused why you have ask this rn.
"Well you asked me for my name n i never got yours so"
you say this in a shy but strong voice whith your eyes closed n blushung like crazy.
"Ok ok sheesh ill tell you"
"My name is Kyo somha ... there happy"
You look at kyo blushing looking the other way
"I know my names stupid you dont have to call me that!?"
Y/N's PVO: why dose he think his name is stupid maybe he was bullyed in the past about it?
you start you giggle to make kyo feel better.
"haha your names fine silly, it suits you quite well"
kyo is looking straght at you
"hmm how about i call you kyo~Kun"
"while kyo is looking at you his face starts to go red.
Y/N'S PVO: maybe i should hug him to feel better!
you get close to kyo while he's spaceing out n put you arms arownd him.
kyo stops spaceing out n relise's what your doing.
"Wait n- wait"
kyo pushs you off him he starts to walk over to the mirror n say "w-what how c-come i didnt transform into the cat?"

(the neko girl and the cat boy)KYO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now