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"Y/N GET YOUR BUT OUT OF BED" mum yell'd
i slowly push my covers off and lep out of bed whith not a care in the world. as i get out of bed somthing dosent feel right my head and butt hurts like crazy i  walk to my mirror and scream.
Y/N'S:pvo why do i have.. no i must still be tired right,right i have to be.
mum rushes to my door.
i walk over to my door and me and my mum look at each other. mum laughs *hahaha* "finerly i have someone in my blood whith it"
"you mean its normal to wake up one day whith a neko body thats still my body but agh... what do i do"
"dont worry hunny i was prepared for this"

Y/N'S PVO:idk what to say but somethings not right.
"Oh no your going to be late for school quick put this on mum passes me a hoodie whith triangles on top so my neko eras can fit in them. befor for i put it on mum leaves me to get dressed i put my uniform on and chuck on the hoddie on top of my uniform.
i rush out the door not knowing it i run into someone and trip over just befor the school gate.
"i-m so sorry"i say whith two grased knees whith blood dripping form them i look over to see a strange boy my age whith wicked orange hair.
the boy has the most strange look on his face.
i look at my hoodie finding it not on my head properly but still on to cover my neko ears then i remeber that i have a tail and i didnt cover it.
i was at a lost of words i didnt know what to say but even befor i said anything the stange boy grabs my hoddie and drags me to the back of the school.
"i- why did you bring me here" scared i look at way and say this in a soft voice.
the boy replies "WHAT ARE YOU" confused he yells angrily
i dont know but that want to problem i was losing a lot of blood from scraping my knees on the grownd and i was so flustered i collapse to the ground

(the neko girl and the cat boy)KYO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now