Chapter 3

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I made no movement as I was trying to count how many rogue are in this forest by their scents. I tried to hide behind a tree that was  near me and heard the growling getting stronger as the rogues were coming in this direction.

"Look what we have here" said a voice that has sent chills through me as my heart started beating hard against my chest.
"What do you want?" I said calmly although my hearts said something else. I held the knife behind my back as I made myself look up and straight in a more calm posture. Where the hell are the pack guards when you need them?! I just hope they come in time before these rogues do something horrific to me.

"What, a blind werewolf, that's the first? How come such beauty is in this side of the forest?"  said the voice, this time it was fill with curiosity. I was shocked that he called me a beauty but I maintained my calm yet poker face.
" Well I wasn't the one who entered private territory uninvited" I retorted as I looked at his direction even though I don't know if it's him standing their as they all had the same scent.

"Beautiful and feisty, I like that two combination, but sadly we are not here to party but on an official business and would like to keep it that way, Kevin if you could?" He said with boredom. What official business had rogues came to this pack? I started to think when all of a sudden, I had felt a pain on my waist as claws started to dig in.

I had no time to react as I was pushed against a tree as my breath hitched because of the impact. I took the knife from behind and began to stab the rogue that had attacked in his shoulder blade as he hissed with pain. I quickly moved away from him and heard a growl from the others. I braced myself as I threw the knife into one of the rogues direction and knew it had hit the target when a heard a thud on the ground, indicating that I had threw the knife into his head.

I made no break as I started to speed at the opposite direction of where the rogues were. I heard cracking of bones and knew they had shifted into their wolves. I knew I had no chance of out running them so I needed to think of something else. I looked up and knew that I had to climb in order to survive. I was about to make my way up a tree when my thigh felt excruciatingly painful as a claw made it's way there.

I bit my lip as I tried not to scream because it might alert the other rogues. I started kicking at the rogue that had a clawed me but he did not budge, so I kicked him with all my strength and his grip loosened as I kicked him again, this time he let go ,giving me the chance to climb up the tree quickly.

I knew I was not done as I was bleeding heavily by my thigh and my waist and was slowly starting to lose consciousness. I start jumping from tree to tree and nearly tripped as the wound on my thigh had gotten worse. I smelled a familiar scent and knew that I was near the pack house so I started to jump faster. The familiar scent was growing strong, giving me hope and that made me stronger.

I stopped and climbed down a tree when I made certain that I was near the pack house and started limbing faster towards the familiar scent. Blood was trailing after me as I made my way towards the pack house only to be met  with scents of dozens of pack members, some scents where unfamiliar as I stood in the centre of countless eyes. I certainly can imagine a blind girl that looks to be bleeding out, whose also standing in a grand pack meeting, no doubt thats how the unfamiliar scents come from.

"Rogues ....Rogues" I screamed not daring to say anything else as I happily welcomed my old friend, darkness.

"How did she kill those three rogues, is she not blind?!!" Said a voice filled with disbelief.
"Alpha, instead of being curious of how she killed those rogues, the real question is how did they enter this pack, especially when there was other packs present?" Replied a familiar voice, Elliot.
"Well then, we will need to investigate and need to question this girl on what she knows about the rogues. She is lucky that she had survived that incident" the Alpha said as the door to my room closed with a thud indicating the Alpha has left the room.
" Get well soon Lily, I need to tell you what happened when you were training with me, you need to know what you did , I need to know what you did." Elliot said as I felt his lips on my forehead and the door began to close.

What I did, what have I done? I tried hard to move my hand but my hand are not moving, what's happened after I felt unconscious?
I tried again to move , this time my hands twitch and then I heard someone enter my room. My nose starts to smell something, and I smelled honey and lemon. What an odd scent? I started to smell again but this time it was intoxicating, it was so delicious. What am I thinking about?

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