Alison Dilaurantis! Come here at this instance

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Ali was going on a field trip around the town as part of a geography excursion. Her bestfriend- Angel had broken up with her so Ali did not have an 'excursion buddy'  and had no one to sit next to in the bus. She dreamed of her old life- the perfect Alison Dilaurantis, people used to dream of being a friend of Ali but know, people avoided her. Tears filled Alis' eyes, it was too much for a 11 year old girl to handle. The teacher came in and gave Ali a great death stare but Ali looked out the window to hide her watery eyes and the teacher slopped down on the seat infront. Ali sobbed the entire trip until the bus stopped at a forest, where they were suppose to examine leaves and soil and record the results as a pair. Ali wondered around the forest in deep thought, she was not in the mood of being a 'detective', her deep thought led her away from her class and deeper into the forest until she walked into a tree and bumped her head right on the trunk, Alis' head blacked out and she fell back, the girl stayed there for a few minutes until her mind came to sense. She stood up and looked for a way back,

but the sun was hidden by the long branches and the canopy of trees which left hardly any light for Ali. She had no idea what time it was, so she couldn't estimate whether her class was in here or they left her here for good. Poor Ali got to her knees and cried, cried until she could felt her face go numb.

Meanwhile, the teacher was marking the roll: "Amilia"





The class erupted into giggles and started talking about how stupid that she went to a tiger and it ate her but the teacher knew that she would be fired from her job if she left a student behind so she started looking for her and yelling for her, the other kids joined in.

Ali heard a screech, she looked around and noticed that there was a a snake coming towards her Ali ran as fast as she could to wherever she thought was quicker, just then she ran into Isabella and into a great hug but Isy refused and pulled back "why did you come back!!!!" " it was paradise when you were out of my sight,"

Ali sighed. And followed the girl back to the bus, Mrs Devela was on the phone and yelped in glee when she saw Ali and said I found her, she is here and then she turned the phone off and pushed Ali to the ground, abused her- Yes, the teacher. Ali cried but then stood up and stopped the teachers' arm by twistng it. "you little brat, if you tell anyone about this- you are suspended.

Ali went home and told her mum everything. Mrs Dilaurantis called the principle but she refused to believe it, then it was decided that Ali and Jason both were not going to that school.
The family decided that the kids will be better off in a private school rather than the local school where the family was well known but when they went to enrol, the priciple refused to give them the form and said that they did not want to ruin their reputation. The Dilaurantis were in a big problem and had to do something about there future before anyone else did.

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