Chapter 1

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Past moon and dolan:

Moons Pov:

I was walking into my middle school.

I have been here for a while, and I have lots of friends, but I get made fun of a lot.

Specifically by the popular kids, you know, the ones that are always talking about boyfriends and gossip and all that crap

I mostly get made fun of because I am part bear. 

*Time skip*

I was in the hallways at my locker, getting my books for the next class.

When I was finished i turned around to leave and I accidentally ran into someone…

And I dropped my books to, what a great way to start the day.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah Im fine-”

I stopped mid sentence 

In front of me was a taller boy, probably about the same age as me.

He had blue hair that faded into teal.

And he was part dragon.

*to be continued*

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