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Victoria's pov

The next day I arrived at his place to him setting up a new lamp.

"Hey what are doing? Is that new?" I asked warping my arms around his waist.
"This one better anyway." He says kissing my forehead.
"Have you talked to your parents after what happened?" I asked looking up at him.
"I talked to dad and Mum everything is good. Don't worry plus I'm sorry about yesterday I was out of line." He says pulling me into a kiss.
"I'm glad that everything was sorted out," I said kissing him.


Hardin's pov.


I'm glad that Victoria came back to our place after everything that went down with my parents.
I know that I have anger issues about the situation.
Just thankful that Victoria is still around after all the Tessa dare thing.

I love her with everything I have to give.


We're sitting on the couch doing our thing just relaxing I was writing in my journal and Victoria was just on her phone.

"You're never gonna show me what you're writing in there, are you?" She asks.
"Maybe someday," I say smiling at her.
My phone starts buzzing I just ignore it cause I want to be with Victoria.
"You don't wanna see who that is?" She asks
"I know who it is. It's Steph. The frat house is having a New Year's Eve party." I say.
"Oh yeah, she told me about it last night. You wanna go?" She asks grabbing my hand and she places it on her thigh.
"No, I don't wanna leave you here alone,"  I say hold her thigh.
"I wouldn't be alone. I'd go with you silly." She says
"Sorry I just thought after everything that happened that you wouldn't want to" I start saying as she cuts me off.
"They're my friends too and after what went down doesn't matter anymore. Right, cause all I care about is we're back together and that's all that matters." She says
I kissed her.
"What was that for?" She asks.
"I just loved how you said, "we're back together and that's all that matters."  I love you v" I said kissing her all over her face.


Victoria's pov.


We arrived at the frat house and made our way up to our friends who were playing beer pong. Steph and Tristan were winning I can tell cause zed yelled "fuck".

"We've missed you,"  Steph says.
"I saw you yesterday," I said hugging her.
"You guys wanna get in on this?" Tristan asks. 
"Yeah, you can take my place," Zed girl says.
"Go. I'll watch. I like to watch."  Hardin says
"Yeah, I bet you do," I say kissing his cheek.

"You know what you're doing right?" Zed asks me.
"Duh, I'm the fucking champion at this game,"  I say.
We started playing and of course, we are winning.
After the game, I noticed that Hardin disappeared. I wasn't worried about I was dancing with my girls and who arrived.
"Molly here" she announced 
"Who cares," I said
"You fucking kidding me? Fuck this" molly says and walked away.
I could care less about our friendship cause she was the one who caused all this drama.

I'm walking around the house I finally spot Hardin.
"Hey, I was looking for you," I said.
"Hey. Let's leave" he says pulling me to the front.
"Aw, if it isn't the cute couple together again." The annoying voice says.
"Aw, if it isn't the whore." I say
"Where you guys going?" Molly asks
"We're going home."
"Ohh. Lame. Come on, it's almost new year's." She says.
"We just wanna be alone."
"Let's go."
"Good. She never fit in anyway" Molly says


We all sat in the living room let the fun begin.
"Would anybody like some weed brownies? I made em myself." Steph says
I said taking a bite and feeding it to Hardin. Molly seemed fucking annoyed cause I have the guy she could never have.
Victoria one and molly zero.
"Well, this is fun. Can we leave?" Tristan says.
"We should play a game," I said.
"Like what, scrabble?" Molly says
"How about truth or dare," I said.
"Jesus Christ" zed says
"Why is that bad?"
"Long story." He says to his girl.
"Why would you say that? " Hardin asks
"Because," I said kissing him
"What's the matter, Hardin? Scared of a little truth or dare?"  Molly says
"Fuck you molly."
"I'll go first. Hey, v, truth or dare?" Molly says
"Uh, are you still a self-centered slut?" molly asks
"Molly don't,"  Hardin says
"Oh. Duh. I already know the answer to that. Because Hardin fucked you and so did every single guy in this school." Molly says
"Yes, he did. And zed do you still want that blow job I promised you." I said
"What," zed asks
"My turn. Molly truth or dare?"
"Hmm. Truth."
"Is it true that you're a whore?" I said giving her a smirk.
"Oh shit.
"What the fuck did you just call me," Molly asks
"No, I didn't call you anything. I'm just stating what you are a self-centered lying whore. So are you a whore? You are." I said
"No hey v my turn again. Truth or dare?" She asks
"Is it the truth that you're a dumbass for getting back together with Hardin after he fucked Tessa for a bet?" Molly says
"Let's go," Hardin says
"No, let's finish this so molly can think that she won. I'm not the dumb ass who throws herself at someone's boyfriend." I said
"Oh please. You believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Cause you want to know something I fucked Hardin too." molly says
"I fucking hate you molly," Hardin says.
"Which I don't blame you, because oh man what that mouth can do and that tongue" molly says
I jumped at her and punched her.
"You fucking whore. Your nothing to me anymore. Fuck you." I said.
"Get that bitch out of here," Molly says
"Happy New Years bitch" I said
"Fuck you Victoria," she says

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