Down to Earth

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Clarke's POV

After my mom told me I was being sent down to Earth, I woke up in a dropship. As I turned my head, I saw Wells." What the hell are you doing here Wells!?" I half screamed. Other prisoners stared at me. Some kid was out of his seat and floating in the dropship.

" I got my self arrested so I could be with you, Clarke." Wells said.

" Hey look at me!" The floating kid said. Soon some other kids were trying to float.

 "Stay in your seats if you want to survive entering the atmosphere. And aren't you the idiot who wasted a months worth of oxygen for an illegal space walk?" I said sounding very annoyed.

" Yeah it was fun! The name's Finn." Spacewalker said with a grinn. So the dropship started to violently shake.

" What's happening?" A girl across from me asked.

" We have entered Earth's atmosphere!" Jasper cried out.

" Clarke I came down here so I would know that you didn't die hating me." Wells shouted over the dropship shaking.

" Well you had my dad floated so I do hate you Wells!" I scream back. After about 2 minutes the dropship finally stopped its noise. Everyone unbuckled their seat belts and I went over to one of the kids who tried being like Spacewalker. He wasn't breathing.

" Did he die?" Finn asked.

" Yep and I know the cause of death. The cause of death was they he tried your stupidity and failed." I said while making my way to a ladder. As soon as I was down there, this boy tried opening the dropship door." Wait! The air could be toxic!" I cry out while shoving my way through the crowd.

" Well if it is, we're all dead anyways." He said.

" Bellamy!?" Shouted a voice.

" Octavia!" Bellamy shouted as she gave him a hug." Look how big you have gotten, O!" Bellamy said. She smiled. 

I rolled my eyes and just stood there.

" Isn't she the girl who was locked up under the floors?" Called out a voice.

" Yeah Octavia Blake the girl who lived in the floor." Called out another. 

With this, Octavia lunged forward but me and Bellamy stopped her." O, relax. Why don't you give them something else to remember you by." He said. I was very curious on what he was thinking.

" Like what big bro?" Octavia said curiously.

" How about being the first to step on Earth in 97 years." Stated Bellamy. She smiled and nodded.

 I pressed the button for the door and it opened. We were all blinded by the sun but soon came accustomed to it. 

Octavia slowly stepped down on the ramp. She jumped off and shouted " WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" And everyone ran out of the dropship and I hopped down and immediately smiled. I pulled out a map of Earth.

" Hey Princess why so serious?" A man's voice called out to me. I looked up and saw Bellamy.

" My name is Clarke." I said firmly.

" Oh yeah and my name is Bellamy. Glad we know our names, Princess." He said sarcastically.

" Well let's see the Ark landed us on the wrong damn mountain. So now there is a radiation soaked forest in between us and our next meal." I said with a panicky voice. I walked off but only to find Wells following me.

Bellamy's POV

After I talked to Clarke, I went around our what we called camp and looked for some people to become friends with. I saw Spacewalker and O talking so I went to my sister.

" Hey O! Who's this?" I asked as I sat down.

" My names Finn Collins. Who are you?" He said.

" Bellamy Blake and this is my sister so don't get too close or I will hurt you." I gritted my teeth. 

Octavia gave me a gpare and walked off. I can tell she's pissed. All of a sudden I hear Clarke say she is going to mount Weather and that if anyone wants to come help her get the supplies, they'd need to follow her to the dropship. I saw Monty and Jasper walk over there and MY sister as well. There's no way she is going. I love her too much. Finn made his way over as well." O! Wait you can't go!" I shouted as I ran for her.

" Bell, I've been locked up all my life and never had any fun. So now you can't control this wild animal. I need to do something fun or crazy." She said. I gave her a hug and walked away.

On the Ark

Abby sat down watching the moniters with the vitals of the 100. "We already have 2 dead." She said as Jackson entered.

" What do you think? Radiation?" He asked as he sat next to her.

" Nope, must have been rough landing other wise there would be more dead." She just got paged to the medical center.

" Jackson come with me. We need to go to medical center now!" She shouted.

" What's wrong?" Asked Jackson.

" The Chancellor has been shot."

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