Chapter 5

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Bellamy sat Clarke down by Charlotte and then he sat next to the both of them. Octavia smiled at the three. She knew Bellamy was a whore and she was hoping that if he wanted to just sleep with somebody, it shouldn't be Clarke. "I'm hungry." Charlotte complained.

 "I am too, Charlotte." Clarke replied. Bellamy's hunting crew arrived and showed everyone what they caught and gathered. They had caught four fish,  gathered nuts and berries, and had caught and skinned some type of big cat or deer. 

"Tonight, we shall have a feast!" Bellamy shouted. The whole camp clapped and cheered. The food was cooked and divided among the 100. Octavia snuck a glance at her brother, Bellamy. He certainly seemed delighted for once in his life. Clarke soon began to grow weary and leaned into Bellamy's bicep without caring who she was leaning into. Charlotte and Octavia watched as Bellamy just let Clarke cuddle into his arm. The night soon silenced the camp leaving Finn, Jasper, Monty, Octavia, Charlotte, Bellamy, and Clarke sitting  in the heat of the flames. "Hey Charlotte, you look tired. How about you and me go to your tent and I can stay with you until you fall asleep." Bellamy says to the young girl. Charlotte nods and Clarke sits up enough for Bellamy to leave.

 "I thought he had no soft side." Jasper says quietly to the group once Bellamy had left. They all laughed. 

"Bell is a big softy, trust me." Octavia says. Bellamy returns a moment later after making sure Charlotte was safe and sound asleep.

The moon was full and brightly shining. The small group that was once sitting among the flames of a fire, was now trying to settle into the night. Clarke however couldn't close her eyes because she was scared someone else was going to get hurt or killed. She had the urge to go and check on everyone. After going around camp checking the tents for the 3rd time, Clarke was at Bellamy's tent. She peered her head into the tent flap. She saw Bellamy wasn't asleep either and his back was facing the flap. She quietly slipped in unnoticed.

Bellamy was unable to sleep because he was scared. When the 100 were first sent down, they all thought they were alone until Clarke got shot with pinpoint accuracy arrows from 300 feet away. The delinquents can't even hold or throw a spear. Now, the camp knew there were grounders that were already on the ground. Meaning, Earth was survivable. What scared Bellamy the most was that the grounders probably had been watching them since they arrived and the 100 knew absolutely nothing on how the grounders attacked, found shelter, or even survived down on Earth. The Ark had told its residents that this planet wouldn't be survivable for another century. He heard a rustle of the tent flap but he didn't dare to move. He just continued to breath silently.

"Bellamy, are you awake? I couldn't sleep." Clarke said quietly.

Bellamy spun around to face Clarke. "Princess, why couldn't you sleep? I can't sleep either."

" I am just gonna go." Clarke says as she turns to walk out of the tent.

Bellamy quickly jumps up from the floor and grabs Clarke's wrist. "Princess you can tell me. C'mon have a seat on my bed and we'll talk." He gently pulls her fragile body down to the ground. He sits down on his bed and pats a spot next to him. Clarke hesitantly climbs on the bed. Bellamy smiles as Clarke feels the soft fur blankets and pillows for his makeshift bed. "How did you get all this?" She asks. He only shrugs.

"Well when the hunting crew and I go hunting, if it is a good catch, they skin the animals and their fur makes blankets and they give them to me. I don't see why though. I have a lot of them." Bellamy finally replies. He pulls a blanket off the bed and wraps it around Clarke. " This one however, is now yours." He smirks and Clarke snuggles into the blanket. The night was kind of cold so the blanket helped keep her warm.

"I had a nightmare." Clarke says so quietly that Bellamy had to lean over a bit to actually hear her. 

"Do you mind me asking me what it was about?" Bellamy asks. He remembers when they despised each other, now they had become friends. He hears Clarke sigh. His eyes find hers and he gives a small encouraging smile.

"How are we going to keep all of them alive, Bellamy? Winter is approaching and we only have tents for shelter. They're just kids and they have gone through so much. What are we going to do?" Clarke replies sadly.

"We'll make something work, we always do. They may be kids but they are tough. We'll survive as long as we do things together." Bellamy replies with a confident tone.

Clarke smiles back. Together, they were unstoppable. As long as they fought, they would survive. Already feeling better about her nightmare, she stands up to leave his tent. 

"Leaving already?" Bellamy teases. "You could stay longer if you want." he adds. She nods and sits back down. "I think we should have some of the hundred start working on building log cabins tomorrow. They would provide more warmth than our flimsy tents."

"That's a great idea. Do you have any paper lying around?" Without waiting for an answer, Clarke stands up and searches his tent until she finds a piece of blank paper. She sits back down on his bed before continuing. "How long do we want the logs to be? The longer they are, the longer it will take to build cabins. We could have a couple of long cabins; they could be used as a smoke house, a medical center, and a storage cabin." 

"It seems as if you have this all planned out already." He smirks again. "We should probably build the smaller cabins first, that way we don't freeze to death. I could probably send Miller, Raven, and Monty out to scavenge for parts Raven could use to make more useful technology for us. We are running low on food so me and the hunting crew could leave early in the morning to hopefully get some more food. Along the way, we'll gather nuts and berries. The rest of the camp can start gathering logs for the cabins."

"If I right a list of medicinal herbs, berries, and plants, will you gather some for me on your trip? I don't want to leave the camp without a leader. If neither of us is here, the others could be in danger." 

Bellamy nods his head in agreement. " Write me a list and I will try to find them but no guarantees. The rest of the camp will need to cut logs and start placing them in a pile. Then we can start building the base of the cabins. We might even be  able to convince Raven and Monty to build a water filtration system so we can have running water. Of course, they would have to scavenge some more usuable parts, but it could work."

While Bellamy was talking, Clarke had been sketching out how she invisioned the cabins to look. Her sketch looked like an old photograph that could be found in the few books on the Ark.  Clarke had also been taking notes. When her sketch was finshed, she silently handed it to Bellamy. There was approximate lengths for how long the logs needed to be. They had to make enough cabins where all of the hundred could comfortably sleep in. Clarke had made a list of herbs, berries, and anything that could be used for food. She had even drew pictures for him so he knew exactly what to get. "It's perfect, Princess."

They continued to discuss the cabins and other future plans for the hundred. After a while, both of them began to drift, and without realizing it, they both fell asleep. Clarke subconsciously snuggled closer to Bellamy. They both shared the blanket that was previously draped over Clarke's shoulders. Their feet were tangled together. Neither of them had any nightmares; it seems like the other's presence chased their demons away. Bellamy opened his eyes to look around. His eyes focused on the blonde hair sprawled over his chest. Clarke's breathing was even, meaning she was still alseep. Bellamy knew that he had to get up soon if he was going hunting. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of Clarke's head before slowly peeling himself from her. Once standing, he smiles. The Princess looked so peaceful while she was sleeping. He tore the notes from the page with the sketch and put it in his jacket pocket. As he was lacing up his boots, Clarke shifted on the bed so she was closer to him. He reminded himself that he needed to tease her about how much of a cuddler she was. Bellamy pulls out another piece of paper and leaves a note for the Princess when she wakes up. Pressing another kiss to her forehead, Bellamy leaves his tent to meet the hunting crew by the gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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