Kat's life away from home

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Katrina wanted to be herself and be free without any pony else finding her. so she used as much of her young creative mind and princess strength that she could to build a house. "Ugh! Mom kept my magic off limits for so long I forgot how to use it!" "But I guess it will have to do cuz I can't find anything else to do."  She was walking along a path that she made a long time ago, and so she knew where she was going. Mysterious pony: hello there... Katrina: umm hi? Mysterious pony:  my name is razor blackwing... whats your name? Katrina: my name is Katrina sparkle. Razor: well hello miss Katrina. I see you are an alicorn? Katrina nodded and smiled. Razor: well it was nice to meet you Katrina. I have a question for you. Where are you headed?  Katrina: I'm.. I... uhh... I actually don't know. I ran away from my home like a few days ago, and I know its dangerous around here, and not that many ponies come to the everfree forest. so, let me answer your question with another question. why are you here? Razor: oh, I am here to find my fillyfriend pinka. we are having a completely random and uncalled for game of hide and seek. Katrina: ok, well if any royal gaurds, or worse, princess celestia come here and see you, I was never here. got that? Razor: cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Katrina: what ever that was, I'm gonna say you promised, and i'll be on my way. maybe ill catch you later? Razor: maybe. if I don't find pinka. but yea. ill catch you later.  Katrina walks off and razor teleports around. seems that game of hide and seek is like, super intense. but maybe, just maybe, she had just made a new friend. just maybe. but she didn't think about that for now. her journey was still a long way behind.

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