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The streets are usually very noisy during the day. Club music would pulse throughout the enclosed Underworld and the sounds of people talking, shouting, fighting told that not a day has changed. Sometimes the daily schedule would consist of waking up and relocating to another level of the Underworld. Sometimes night and day blended together and you would just find yourself running from an invisible force you cannot see. Comprehend. Grasp.

It's sublime power radiates through the mind but only certain people can feel it. It's powerful. It's dangerous. It's beautiful.

My name is Takara. I live in these parts of the world of Coruscant. I find myself running daily. From anything to anyone. Orphaned, homeless, and small. That's what I am. The authorities here do not give second thoughts about people like me. They kill us, clean our bodies and blood off of the filthy ground, and dispose our bodies. Ragged, dumb, and a waste of space. I know better. I'll show them! They don't know me. They can't see me. I play in the dark and darkness seems to be my only friend at times like these.

My words. My story. My life. But no, that's not all. The Jedi rule these parts of the galaxy with an iron fist. I look up to them, but they never see me. I guess the only way to find out if life is worth taking chances for, is to jump and not care about consequences until the very last minute.
Makes no sense? They call it the "Force." They call it status. And it annoys me to no end.

So, now that you know my name, you should know something about me. I'm a human female and I'm...hold on a second...one, two, three, four, five years old. Yes, five! And I'd say a very well educated five year old. I learned my first words from the sleemos at the clubs. Then they get drunk, stumble outside, and I pickpocket them without anyone seeing me. That's how I survive.

Yes, I'm that good. I once pick pocketed a Jedi! A Jedi! My luck too. He had so much money with him that I lasted for a month without going hungry! Then, there were his lightsabers...I took those too. They were long, green blades with Brylark wooden hilts. What a find! Poor guy. I wonder what he's doing now...

§...Fifteen years later...§

~+Third Person+~

A body flew out the doors of the club, landing on the far end of the loaded landing platform. Blood smeared his face and anger flared up within him, exploding like dynamite as he let out a loud howl of frustration, the sound echoing through the Underworld's enclosed walls down to its endless depths. He leapt to his feet and crashed through the doors for round two.

In the bar where he was so disgracefully humiliated in stood a young woman who stood smugly on the bar's countertop, grinning victoriously at him. He couldn't see her features above her dark red lips because of the shadow of her hood.

"This isn't over, you witch!" he screamed, pointing at her with a broken finger.

"Oh, I think it is," she said, her grin getting wider. His insides churned at the thought of what the woman would do to him next. In panic, he spun around and made a straight beeline for the doors. Spending another second here could cost his life and he didn't want to take the risk.

He crashed out the doors and dared to look back over his shoulder. A smirk of triumph spread across his lips when he didn't see her behind him.

"Witch!" he shouted at the now closed club doors. He won this round and with the smug grin still on his face, he continued his journey home. She wasn't going to get any information out of him.

As he rounded a corner into a dark alley barely lit by the street lights which casted an eerie glow through the alley, he heard a crash next to him. Pausing for a moment, contemplating whether he should stand and fight or run, the noise grew louder as a nearby garbage can toppled over.

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