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The ship was pulled out of hyperspace and looming before them was the planet of--

  "Jakku. Welcome to Jakku," Starkiller said.

  "The fuck are we doing here?" Takara asked.

  "Refuel and resupply. We've got ways to go if we're going to reach the rebel base."

  "And where exactly is the rebel base?" Takara seemed to be getting angrier by the second.

  Starkiller landed the X-Wing on the outskirts of a town on sand dunes. "Look, I know you're upset. But it's better than being a refugee on Coruscant, which by the way, that's the planet where the Empire is."

  "Well, I'm a refugee either way." Takara scowled.

  "Get your shit together. Stop pissing and moaning and just help me. The sooner we're at the base, the better. Empire is hot on our tail so we should only be here for a few short hours. Do you understand?"

  "Yeah," she said, finding it hard to look at him. She just stared at her hands. Once Starkiller didn't say anything, she unlatched the glass casing over the cockpit and leapt out.

  It was sweltering hot. More than she was used to. The sun beat down upon her and already small beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead. She began to walk to the town shimmering in the mirage of the sandy valley.

  Starkiller watched her go. The heat of the sun against the sand made her body wave about as she walked. Random gusts of sand flew behind her making the scene seem surreal. Like she was a deity.

  Starkiller pulled himself out of the cockpit, reaching into the fighter to retrieve two articles of clothing; A cloak for both of them. He worked his way through the sand after her, coming up behind her in a jog. She glanced at him and said nothing until he gave her the cloak. She put on the cloak and said thank you, leaving it at that.

  They entered the town, hoods up and weapons concealed. Only few seemed to notice the identical, mysterious strangers. The only difference was that one of the newcomers was shorter than the other.

  They walked past houses and residents, making their way to the bustling market in the center. They paused for a second, glancing at each other though each of their faces were hidden in the darkness of their hoods.

  Takara nodded at Starkiller, waiting for him to tell her something, but he just walked off to find whatever he needed to find. Confused, Takara watched him go for a bit, contemplating what to do. Follow? Didn't seem like he wanted the company. He seemed at home, examining whatever the vendors had to offer.

  She looked around. Her eyes landed on a vendor selling food. Cooked things on a stick. She couldn't tell what it was but her stomach growled as a breeze swept the savory smell of the cooked meat into her nose. She tried to think back to the last meal she had. She was coming up blank. She made a step towards the vendor but was reminded that she had no money.

   The Force, she thought.

  Starkiller roamed the market in search of his necessities. Prices were too high but that was no matter.

  "Ah--" a low, grainy voice drawled. "A weary wanderer? Looking for supplies? Where are you headed?"

  Starkiller turned to look at the owner of the voice. A short creature that came just up to his knee approached him. He couldn't identify the species. "Just passing by," Starkiller said curtly.

  "Come. Take a look at my wares. I'm sure there's something we can agree on."

  "Okay. What do you have?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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